Emperor Norton

I've been wrapping up a decade-long dissertation, which currently involves going back and pillaging paragraphs from old papers. It appears I made the transition to one space sometime around 2006, as all the papers before that have two spaces. Now, I have to do a final find-and-replace to clear those out before passing

I thought FloTV was an iPad plug-in.

Just to add the Ferguson love…I was just flipping channels late at night some time last spring, and encountered a bunch of people in silly costumes and puppets lip-synching to "You Can't Go Back to Constantinople". Followed by a joke that consisted entirely of this vaguely familiar scottish guy scratching his ear and

I tried looking into it, but it apparently is kind of hard to find a single, simple list somewhere. I started combing through the wikipedia lists of #1 Billboard albums for each year, but then decided that was wasting more time than I could really justify. From what I could glean, though, I would expect that at least

I'm with BKbroiler - i (as in the square root of -1) is about as close as you can get to the concept Josh was looking for. The scale is 0 to 100%, -1 is below that scale, and the square root of it takes the rating out of the domain of real world scales, entirely.

So, was Nill just making some kind of meta-joke about being a sanctimonious douche, or does he/she/it really have zero self-aware…oh, I get it.

This episode is the best TV ever b/c it's all about me
As a recent ex-smoker (who still considers all non-smokers to be sanctimonious douches, sorry Donna), I enjoyed this episode far more than it probably deserved, because it validated my own life experiences as worthy of public attention. Who's with me?

Pretty sure "Stephanie hop off" meant "hop off the other phone," not "hop off my jock".

I re-read Ulysses every couple of years to much the same effect - it's been a completely different book b/t teens, various 20s, and now. The point where I really started identifying more with Bloom than Dedalus was eye-opening. Especially cuz I was masturbating in a public park at the time.

I still maintain that to be a MILF, your kids' friends have to want to fuck you. It seems to be a synonym for cougar now, though, which is a shame.

I suppose if you are a completist, you should also eat something raw and something cooked, perhaps while naked, man.

Claude Levi-Strauss
I guess he doesn't really qualify as an entertainer, but it seemed like Levi-Strauss was enough of a public figure to merit mention here. Plus, he said this, on the fruits of ethnography: "And the only apparent result is that his presence is forgiven by a handful of wretched people who will soon,in

Mine too! Also, TVOTL mentioned, the USMC. And Martin Luther, although that was before the Gregorian calendrical reforms, so he really wasn't…

I got paid to write a book chapter about free will in the works of Joss Whedon.

One more ditto on the Penguin Classics, which I bought specifically because they were the only ones I would be willing to read on the bus. Everything else might as well be a D&D manual.

I feel like I must be wrong about this since NO-ONE has pointed it out (not even the reviewer, and it's kind of relevant to what Bobby said), but…

That's exactly the idea I was getting, but I tend to indulge in the most generous explanations for things I like.

Thank You AV Club!
I've only seen one of these - Envy, and it was on an international flight with few entertainment options, so I was very close to being forced to watch it. And I credit that good luck entirely to relying on AV Club reviews to know what's worth watching and what's utter crap killing the medium while

Oh, I recognize the difference, just like there was a difference b/t Gemma jokingly inviting Half-Sack to join in w/her and Clay and getting gang-raped by a bunch of Nazis. I just think the show is dropping in at least one ironically-foreshadowing-esque bit each episode: something joking in the first act that

This week's ironic foreshadow?
Gemma telling Tara not to let the pornstars get all up on Jax —> Her tacitly giving Clay permission to have a pornstar get all up on him?