
Sadly you're probably right, this show has always been a very "vote democrat" kind of routine. One of the pitfalls of setting it in nearly the present day.

Toph, the least funny and most obnoxious character in Avatar the Last Airbender is BACK! I'm very excited for the new season

Alex Salmond is going to personally saw down along the border?

I misread this and thought that @dogboner was getting his own show, which would have been great news as he is a much funnier man and has a far superior twitter handle

The woman did lose weight, she lost 4lbs but her target was 5lbs, they didn't need to rig the scale, just set a target that one person might not reach

inheritance, their parents owned capital, they died, now they own capital. or marrying into money

Yeah it makes more sense for libertarians to be called liberals, most people called progressives are probably social democrats.

Goods need to be produced. How are the goods produced in your free market?

Most people who want to distinguish between the two use Left-libertarian and right-libertarian to mean anti-authoritarian socialist and laissez-faire capitalist.

When the word libertarian was first used in the 19th century, it was synonymous with anti-authoritarian socialism and it has maintained that meaning despite the efforts of laissez-faire capitalists attempting to appropriate it.

Are you talking about mutualism, a society of co-operatives and mutual banks, or do you mean the classic capitalism of owners of capital and wage-labourers? because the latter isn't possible without government to stop the wage-labourers from seizing the capital and distributing it amongst themselves

On what basis do you think that?

The Red Lotus have opened up space for many different kinds of new societies, you've mentioned only the two grimmest possibilities. How do you know the people of the old earth kingdom won't be inspired by Zaofu and attempt to replicate that society?

I'm currently supporting the Red Lotus, although I am anxious about any upcoming plot points where Zaheer is "proved" wrong.

interesting choice of words there, "looting"

I’m upset that my political beliefs are being misrepresented in a cartoon for children, and the world needs to know

Zaheer isn't an anarchist. Anarchism means No-Rulers, a world of chaos where the strong rule over the weak obviously isn't a world without rulers, the rulers are just more informal than the current system of earth kings and fire lords.

Of the two sides in the cold war, the USA and the USSR, one of them ended the war being 50% of the global economy, the other with a large part of its infrastructure destroyed. Couldn't that influence the outcome of the next fifty years?

You're forgetting about the eastern front, where 75% of the war took place. It was the USSR that won World War 2, which contributed to them losing the cold war