
I'll help you out with Fargo, go down to your local old folks' home and go round asking them to tell you long rambling stories with no point to them. Then go home and write on the AV Club that you've just witnessed the greatest tv show of all time

God that clip is infuriating, it just reminds me how cool Amon was and how disappointing it was for them to make him a fake

Fargo is counterfeit television. It's got great cinematography, it's got great actors in giving some top notch performances, but the writing is not the same as actually good tv like a Mad Men or Sopranos. It's saying absolutely nothing new.

It seems like Jake is having the more meaningful lifestyle.

I prefer "James Van Der Beek; Steve-O" just for the doppelganger sequence.

Thanks for the spoiler title Todd, now I know that in this show about a serial killer, there was some kind of scene with some mind of mature content in it. You've ruined one of my favourite shows with your insane lust for pageviews

This sketch was hilarious…hilariously inaccurate that is! At the start the captain refers to the ship as part of the Federation, and yet later on a crewmember states that the year is 2083, how can this be true then, if the Federation wasn't formed until the 2150s, nearly 70 years later?

Abbie only drew the people, Select Date, the final solution to your dating problems, added all the crosses

I took it that they segregated and then evolved further, so that the cultural differences in the males and females caused them to separate, but then genetic differences evolved from this segregation. So Morty Jr's behaviour was the result of segregation, just it had been going on for long enough that it was encoded in…

It was already a british saying, I think he just read it somewhere and it lodged in his brain

Inspector Spacetime outstayed its welcome long before season four.

How come Louie is such an imaginative show but Louis CK's standup is still just a man talking about how horrible his ass is?

slavery was never legal in the UK, it was only abolished throughout the empire in the 1830s

I hope someone got fired for that blunder.

Nah, never have too much meth

It's the opposite of Making Good. This isn't hard.

I say give Jon Lenough a chance!

I too would enjoy seeing a review of episode 2 of 30 rock season 7,

I too would enjoy seeing a review of episode 2 of 30 rock season 7,

who died? oh right the cat. not sure that counts