
It is so unbelievably hard to reconcile the incidental facts in this case relating to the civil case, and the timing, and the officers involved. Did you ever to stop to think that in solely investigating the uncovered facts of the case as they exist, you're already working heavily within the biases of the police?

I have always loved Memnoch the Devil. I liked her other Vampire trash when I was a teen, but Memnoch is the only one I re-read. My parents both hating their respective religion and raised me with no conception that faith existed, so obviously I've been fascinated by religion and faith on some level as a form of

You could be absolutely right! I will continue to keep an open mind. I was perhaps reacting a bit emotionally as I'm still a bit upset about the quip I mentioned, but I will keep an open mind about things. It's about the best one can do; I admittedly am feeling less-than-charitable towards her because of the above

Yeah, I really hate to bring this up because it feels disrespectful somewhat to the esteemed writing, but… She simply does not have the chops to be pulling this off and provide an interesting and unique perspective (that might perhaps hopefully offer some new and illuminating insights about the show). Which is

Hey Zack, this is slightly unrelated to House (okay, completely unrelated to House) but I was by chance looking through the events in some odd local comiccon-type event happening in my hometown this weekend, and noting that the one that interested me the most was a panel on Philip K. Dick.  And to my surprise, who