
Episode 1: A double length pilot where Link is forced to learn how to pick up pots, how to have basic conversations and how to swing a sword.

We can agree to disagree on the "just as funny" part.

"And what exactly did Nimoy-Spock tell Quinto-Spock about Khan which could have helped defeat him?"

It's particularly frustrating since there is a much better "KHAN!" opportunity not 10 minutes earlier in the film when Cumberkhan beams Kirk, Scotty and Carol Marcus into the brig. Give Pine the scream right as the uber-ship starts attacking the Enterprise.

Recasting Khan was problematic to begin with. Do you cast someone Latino actor like Montalban? Or do you go for a Sikh actor to better fit the character's name? Or do you cast a white guy and keep it a secret until the movie comes out to avoid negative publicity?

Let's start complaining about the copy and paste Khan dialogue!

Malcolm McDowell played Admiral Tolwyn in the Wing Commander games. When he wasn't available for the movie, who replaced him… David Warner.

If Freddie Mercury were still kicking today, this remix would sound stripped down compared to Mercury's 2012 compositions.

If Freddie Mercury were still kicking today, this remix would sound stripped down compared to Mercury's 2012 compositions.

Ugh, yet another Community alert! Oh, wait.

DJ Jazzy Jeff
"He's my DJ Jazzy Jeff" somehow comes across as the nicest and most sincere compliment imaginable. I love F. Stokes.

Sean's restraint
I applaud Sean's restraint for being able to write a post about The Office's 7th season and not mentioning the fact that Amelie will be a writer this season.

He doesn't use too many naughty words so not much will be lost there. I would personally love a job that paid in kittens.

The evolution of Paul F Tompkins
I saw him perform much of this material in a live show a few weeks ago. If you want to watch the evolution of a comedian, how they make deliberate choices in how they write and perform material, Tompkins is the comedian to watch. Listen to his albums Impersonal, Freak Wharf and this

That title is adding insult to injury.
It saddens me that far more people will watch "Party Down South" than will ever watch "Party Down"

I'm going to go put cadmium on all my dishes. I hope that will increase their Craigslist value.

Cadmium? More like Cadmi-yum!
There is a combination BP gas station / McDonald's near where I work. Not a grand month for them, I imagine.