
Will we find out if Ernest is alive or not? America needs to know.

Will we find out if Ernest is alive or not? America needs to know.

I was not sure about the show after the first episode but I
liked this ep much more. I understood the backlash last week but now it is a
little much. I mean commentators on this site have enjoyed TV shows with
sociopathic mob leaders both in the modern day and in the past, murderous drug
gang leaders , a show about a

Is there any showrunner of a great series that does NOT come off as a dick or just a little arrogant and pretentious in interviews? Ron Moore? Vince Gilligan?

I also do not see The Game of Thrones dudes going " Im sick of people telling me that Tyrion is cool"

I am one of the few people that saw the Wire from week one so I guess Simon is okay with me. But then again I thought the Wire was a great show BEFORE it aired it's last episode . What gave me the right to think that? I should of waited until it was all done before having thoughts on it.

Every David Simon interview from the last ten years.

Having it's oil magnate main character being one of TV's most famous villians= sucking up to the 1 percent?

She was on the last season of Veronica Mars.

Yeah that's funny except for the fact that it is kind of true.

BTW this will be a billboard in Time Square and I just love the idea of 80 year old Hagman in a towel (well Photoshopped yes) looking down on the City.  .

Wow the Ewings are a very close family.

This show is like lost except nobody cares if anyone dies.

Little did we know that when Gregor Clegane cut that horses head off on game of thrones it was a preview of Luck. (Sorry)

I wonder if this had to do with the ratings? I mean I know HBO does not just take ratings into account but at the level of ratings Luck was geting, at some point they kind of have to.

It is interesting how Dramas seem to rarely be seen in reruns compared to sitcoms. We really need a 24 hour drama station.

" Norman Lear-style of maudlin drama" or not it was still a lot better than the male rape Too Close For Comfort episode.

They should just go full tilt with the wackiness and have a alien, a vampire and a talking dog join the cast. The Dog would be talking and Jim would make a Jim face to the camera and be all :look at this crazy talking dog"

This show is like ten times more cartoonish than it's peak in season 2. At this point Jim and Pam are more or less the only normal people in the Officeverse and that makes then smug.

I don't think another show had a ever changing hit/miss ratio (in the same episode) like Oz but that is because they had like ten storylines per show.