
Yeah And is spot on. Too much plot after season 1. A danger for most shows, but especially one for which the chief appeal is the sense of "What, what… What did I just see?"

Didn't occur to me until the third re-watch that the Green Suits being named Tom, Thomas, Tommy and Tom-Tom was a reference to their being designated "House Tom." Yow! Keep pushing the envelope, Doc and Jackson.

A friend recently pointed out to me that Thalia was dressed as the sorceress from Heman during the Eden celebration scene.

Nice! I didn't catch the cylon bit. The light saber was awesome.

Hank was using the Communicator Watch to talk to Gary during the Eden raid. So I think they're still okay.

Or maybe a more sinister version of the Simpson's Comic Book Store Guy.

Anyone notice her new lab? Half science lab, half Sephora showroom. Fantastic addition to the cocoon.

Weekends, man! You're never too old for a cool faded T.

I think she was one of the guest voices. But also the one I was least familiar with. Of course, I hope she's not so famous that they can't make her a reoccurring character.

I think Jonas Jr. is a thinly veiled caricature of Richard Branson at this point. So, yeah. Kinda a dick.

Oh, I don't read this carefully enough. The other commenters recommendations are right on. Agree that Evicted makes for a good character crash course.

I'd watch the first few eps of season 1 to get your bearings, then jump into 2 and 3. They're the strongest, IMO.

Yeah, until IK stone-cold flies to the EDGE OF SPACE and hurles him into the void. I knew that crown was powerful but WHOA.

"That's for being confusing!"

*Training Day

Pretty certain the paperboy subplot was a "Traing Day" spoof. For some reason…

I just make the same (belated) observation. That tree's got some bad juju going on.

Oh it counts. Skinny neat freak and his dandyish white-clad Pengasus-riding "companion" holed up together making babies?

Opinions are cool, man. Not trying to talk you out of it, but I still liked it OK. I actually thought it was a bit more character-driven than some of the previous eps. And I liked the interactions between Pep But and the Gumball Guardian.

Jake made a distinctly Jake-ish "hrmhph" noise when Brocko snuck up behind Finn.