
OK, here I am with a really late to the party observation. Did anyone notice that Pep But was casting spells in the secret room that used to house the Lich? The empty prison of amber was right behind him and the Gumball Guardian poked his noggin through the hole he created during his escape.

Nice. That's the special little details you get from Jesse Mohnihan.

I liked it! I didn't think Lemongrab and Braco were at all alike. One is PB as mother/creator, this was PB as Penelope from the Odessey.

I was sort of getting a Penelope from the Odyessey vibe from that scene actually….

"Appeared to be" I mean. Darn autocorrect. Why can't you edit comments from the ipad app?

There have always been a lot of "humanoid" characters, though… The marauders, the knights, wizards, the gal from the City of Theives, Phil, etc. I'm more interested in the fact that Braco apperaree tone a human form version of the banana guards… Brown stems (legs), yellow peel body, chocolat hair with sugar cubes, the

I think we're all forgiving the whole child-maiming thing a little too easily…. maybe he's reforming, but he's not suddenly a "good guy." No one in this show is all good or bad. They are, however, rather extreme in their acts of violence or heroism.

Jamie is quickly becoming the Sawyer of Game of Thrones. American audiences just love rugged blonde bad boys with a soft side.

Who would ever expected that after eight season of teasing us with the prospect of seeing Roger's home planet they would finally show us in an episode starring a minor character in which Roger only has a fleeting cameo. And also that it would somehow work so perfectly.

I feel like this ep went a looong way to flesh out Jeff's character. Rarely do we get to spent so much time with ANY character, let along one undergoing an emotionally dramatic story arc. It's like they wanted to put the foot to the accelerator on his development. And, to their credit, it worked pretty well.

Head, tits, balls. Anyone else notice Arya shot her target in all the same places that Joffrey shot poor Roz at the end of the episode? Maybe it's not such a good idea to live for anger and revenge.

Admittedly, hot dog princess' kingdom ain't that impressive. I prefer to think of their domains more like levels in a video game however.

I think Car Anaology's correct - my understandings always been that King Worm picks up after the end of the Marceline ep in Season 1.

Giant post-death, four-eye red pyramid headed moster with floating Tetris shapes around it. Theories?

The Ice King is practically already a Rankin Bass villian… how about a stop motion episode?

Where did your hear they requests it be changed from medicine to soup? I thought that was simply a bit of AT whimsy. Also, how early do they approve the language. They would have had to change the pharmacy to a soupery

Good point. Tree Trunks also has posters of Paris and Rome and Marceline's dad has postcards from Arizona. Marceline's room is filled with religious iconography, including M and Jesus. again, not pop culture, but definitely remnants from the pre-Ooo world.

There's also the soft people, the rock people, the pointy people plus all sorts of blobby anthropomorphic things. The Gut Grinder and Blood Under the Skin give a pretty good tour of the less prominent environs.

I would also love to see a Sugar and/or Muto interview. I want to know what's up with Forming.

Yeah, I concur. Sort of like Leela's parents on Futurama. They couldn't QUITE keep the radiation out. The title card for Beautopia is rather instructive on the point about Susan's people being the decedents of bunker dwellers… http://images1.wikia.nocook…