
I agree. More Hodgman* is always welcome.

Ames is sort of an odd looking man… his head is weirdly bullet-shaped.

He did encourage Brock to murder a bunch of dude for his zombie army… although Brock does kill whole horde of henchmen with regularity, so maybe it's not THAT bad?

No flying cars or weather control systems or "Mr. Fusion"
BUT we have achieved enormous, hideously neon neon hi-top sneakers and intrusive, personal information laden communications technologies.

The Three Codependent Goats Gruff
I will not have James Finn Garner besmirched on these pages. I own all his Politically Correct Bedtimes Stories (the originals plus the sequel) plus his unrelated follow up, Apocalypse Wow. Guy's hilarious.

Oversized hat
Its funny. It's funny cause its bigger than a normal hat.

I dunno. I think the stomach's slowing being converted to pure muscle, even compared to earlier this season. Check out that shot of him meditating. Anyway, it's funnier for him to retain the paunch.

Number 21
Okay, maybe not now that he's bulked up, but does Henchman 21 remind anyone else of Arthur from The Tick cartoon series?

He was also capturing super scientists, including Pete, Billy and a couple others we've never seen before. No idea why Prof. Impossible or Jonas Jr. weren't targeted. Or why he would make scientists — a notably sickly breed — fight one another.

I think the letter grade reduction was for the pacing. I like how tightly plotted Venture Bros. is, but they really all are starting to feel like Return to the House of Mummies Part II, or the opening to season 4. I'm not sure you should need to watch an episode several times before you can figure out what the hell's

I'm okay with the Tiger Shark beat down, if for no other reason than the broken nose on a glass table visual gag.

Prof. Impossible
Did anyone else feel that this was the first episode with Professor Impossible where they actually got his post-Colbert voice well enough that you didn't cringe every time you heard it? Maybe the real problem wasn't the voice artist but the character's lack of bluster. Glad they've finally given

Eh, the link works. I don't know how the guys who made Logorama pulled it off. Probably didn't ask permission. And I imagine being nominated for an Academy Award kept some lawsuits at bay.

I was just glad her nose wasn't broken. Sally almost had a heart attack that time she thought she might develop a scar.

Pete didn't get a lot to do in this episode, huh?

Cautiously optimistic?
Original adult-targeted fare for an intelligence audience beats out Bruckheimer's mindless sequel-driven spectacle?! I dunno… This all seems too good to be true… In fact, I'm afraid that if I allow myself to feel excited about this, it will make it all the harder to accept the inevitable triumph

Huebel on Twitter
This guy has one of the funniest twitter feeds out there. Hands down. Check it out… @robhuebel

According to the Star Trek wiki, Memory Alpha, the episode "Conspiracy" was originally concieved as a commentary on the Iran-Contra Affair. Of course, they include absolutely no references explaining HOW exactly parasitic little pink jiggers have anything to do with arming South American revolutionaries,

@ Cutlassrave: Sawyer and Juliet got me too. They really were the best couple on the show. Better than Jin and Sun, better than Penny and Desmond, certainly better than Jack and Kate. I'm not sure what it was about those two actors, but it WORKED. I'm not sure even the writer's were prepared for that.

@retro: You keep saying the last 10 minutes ruins the entire series for you… how can that be possible? If you enjoyed it enough to stick with it for six seasons, I just don't understand how a bad ending can retroactively strip you of your enjoyment of the past seasons… I mean, the X-Files had a shitty, shitty final