
He's back!

Sorry, Kayne West already claimed the whole "voice of a generation (of this decade)" thing.

Can't it be both?

But his lyrics are so inspired…
You're kidding! Will.i.am can't act? How could this be!?

He's supposedly second in command but no one's ever challenged his opinions, have they? My theory's that he's not really human — more like whatever Jack's father has become — a vessel for the island to express itself to other people — and you wouldn't want to cross the island. Somehow I don't Daniel could have even

@OBE: Oh and I still don't get the reason Daniel had to return to the island, but I grant your point about children is valid one.

Shannon also had mother issues. Less compelling mother issues, but mother issues nonetheless. Apparently bad mommies kill in this series. Bad daddies just fuck you up.

Why was it so important that he be killed on the island? To fulfill his destiny? Just cause they remembered it happening, they had to make sure we went back to the island so it could? That doesn't really make any sense. It doesn't seem as though his death benefited anyone, the Others or the Dharma folks. What do they

In inscrutable Mr. Alpert
Also, I'm fascinated by Richard Alpert. For a man who never ages he always seems so befuddled when he encounters other people who don't appear to have aged, such as Daniel 20 years later. He doesn't even appear to realize that he's in a jungle. Most of the time we see him he's calmly sipping

Who's Penny's mother?
Sorry if this has already been talked about but does anyone else think that Daniel might not be Charles and Eloise's only child? There's a real physical resemblance between the actress playing Penny and those playing past and present Eloise. That can't be a coincidence, can it?

Once Scrubs finally bites the dust, do think there's any chance the creators of Clone High might choose to resurrect (see what I did there?) the show on DVD long enough to resolve the Season 1 cliffhanger?

RE Butterfingers…
Soon they're just be mixing caffeine into everything we eat. That's basically the direction modern society's heading, right? Sugary corn syrup just doesn't provide the same kick anymore, you know?

Wouldn't it be great if Wiebe was forcing his son into the world of arcade game competition against his will? He's all like! "You WILL carry on my legacy, boy!" And his son's all: "I'm not you, Dad! I wanna DANCE!"

The video goes on and on but there's actually more to it. If you poke around on YouTube you can find the rest of the song. Unbelievably, the whole scene is so long it goes way over the 10 minute maximum.

The animated sequence is alright. Otherwise it's terrible.

White women be crazy
Hrm. "Wildly successful, faithful husband, loving father, seemingly chiseled from a slab of marble." What an unrealistic expectation for black men everywhere! No one could ever fit that description.

Aye's motivation
I imagine that the real-life Ayes' primary motivation was getting a good story to advance his career. Since this isn't particularly noble — and the film apparently isn't interested in exploring the moral dubiousness of this position in the same way as Capote was, for instance — they probably rather

This album sort of makes sense, actually
It's not surprising considering how many Ben Folds tracks I've heard performed by the various a cappella concerts I've been to. Something about the combination of simple piano arrangements and heartfelt ache/smirking humor in his songs must appeal heavily to people in a

@Gentle Herpes: The Shouts and Murmers column of the New Yorker?

I think the suit sort of makes him look like a sociopath.