
Ghandi's got ADD!
Watching this video with the sound off, he reminds me of Phoebe in that Friends episode where she tries to act "normal." You can almost see him suppressing the impulse to start leaping around at any second.

Pop culture references!
This "movie" is also my introduction to the phenomenon of "Grey Gardens." But now I'm starting to see it's influence everywhere. So far I've come up with Aunts Lilly and Vivian on Pushing Daisies and the two kooky old ladies who live downstairs in Coraline. Can anyone else think of some others?

I was not expecting a good review for this movie.

Anyone notice a new writer in the mix tonight? A guy with curly yellowish hair? He was placed pretty prominently in a couple scenes but never spoke any lines.

Oh yeah. Lutz. So is he mentally handicapped from now on? Will anyone notice?

Brian Williams makes violating the Mann Act hilarious.

Is there any significance to the name of Penny and Desmond's boat? Our Mututal Friend (the book) is about someone who pretends to be someone else (and another man who pretends to possess a completely different personality from his true one) all in order to play an elaborate ruse on someone for ultimately purehearted

Jack: Kenneth, get me Showtime!
Kenneth: What!? Why now??

Or maybe they had to do the joke before it became in REALLY bad taste…

Desmond is far too cool to be shot by Ben so casually. But I was worried there for a moment.

Refresh me on the Libby thing. Did Hurley see her in the mental hospital before or after he got off the island. If it's after, it could just be yet another hallucination. If it's before he even got on the plane the first time (which I think it was…), it might be a hint that he possesses some sort of precognizance. Of

Do you think that the smoke monster really has a physical form? That scene last night was more psychological than anything else — reliving past sins and so forth. If you think of the monster less as a lame special effect and more as the murky manifestation of some sort of internal spiritual/emotional angst — made

The smoke monster has looked pretty crappy in the past but I was alright with it last night. It works better when they don't try to form it into some sort of snakelike shape. A swirling mass of clouds that show's you visions? Much tripper and easier on the eyes.

Blowing Caesar away was pretty badass. He tried to take control of the show, Ben blasted a whole through his chest. It's like shivving a guy on your first day in the clink. Ben isn't the leader of the Others for no reason.

Nikki and Paulo only make since in the context of a show with no end date. The writers were probably excited about the experiment because if a completely standalone episode had 'worked' then they wouldn't have to fret about pacing the main storyline. They could just throw in a side adventure involved minor characters

@El Zilcho: That he's a self-serious asshole?

This is terrible
How the hell could you legally open your records to a person's coworkers without someone's consent?

Anyone else see Friel in GQ a while back? Yummish indeed.

Rumor mill…
I heard a rumor that the final three episodes would air even earlier in Germany than the April 17 ones in England. Anyone else hear this? I think I saw it on Wikipedia but I'm not sure. I freaked out when the show got canceled and spent an evening lurking in various fan sites…

Am I really in the minority? I'm not endorsing piracy but I do think that if it's something that's happening it's not right for critics (who are our culture's public experts on movies) to pretend it's not. And by pointing out that it's easy, he's really just showing people that something needs to be done to make it