
White roses in water filled w/ blue food coloring. No genetic engineering required. Didn't any of the Simpson writers ever take 5th grade science?

Actually, Waterson hates any unlicensed use of his work. (Although it probably has a lot to do with the fact most of that unlicensed work is related to drug paraphernalia or depictions of Calvin urinating on the logos of competing truck manufacturers… Calvin and Hobbes is the only cultural artifact that appeal to

Did anyone else notice that TGS has a shitty, shitty timeslot at 10:30 on Friday nights? Clearly, it ain't no SNL (and that's not saying much these days).

Tracey and Lehmann
Did they ever establish why Larry King was even asking Tracey questions about the economy? Aside from the fact that King's a loon, I assume it's because Tracey's the new owner of Lehmann Bros. But it would have been nice if they had at least mentioned that. Without that (hilarious) detail, it seemed


Gay as nine guys blowing ten guys.

Cesar and Ileana are not acting like people who were just in a plane crash. They clearly knew what was going to happen. Why they're there, though, I don't know.

I agree. Jack had only begun to believe Locke when Ben came to speak to him in the hotel room. He would need some time for that first ticket to Australia to devolve into a persistent obsession with the island. Plus he needed to time grow that beard and get addicted to crazy pills. Maybe they kept Locke's body out of

Ben usually depends on others to do the dirty work for him. He is more the brains than the brawn. But when he does kill, it's in a manner that fits his character. From a distance, from behind, the sneak attack.

I love the fact that Sawyer needs glasses. But where did they come from?

I still don't understand why Cesar and the marshall seem completely unfazed by the crash. Was Locke unconscience for a long time? Did they know what was going to happen? Did they not crash but just appear on the island? Everyone seemed so calm compared to the flaming wreck and weeks of running and screaming that came

The Death and Life of JB
I'm a little surprised that this review doesn't even make mention of the fact that Lock CAME BACK TO LIFE! Are we just so used to characters who are supposed to be dead turning up again that a man coming back after being in casket for a considerable length of time isn't a shock anymore?

Cage is a dangerous maniac
They probably don't even need to tell Cage that these are movies anymore…

Remember the lesson we've all learned from the Great Marisa Torme: A stripper can lose her clothes without losing her dignity. (The subtext being, replace "actor" for "stripper")*

I like Slate, but it's knee-jerk contrarianism is annoying. No social trend or scientific study is big enough for Slate to refrain from the temptation to knock it down a few pegs with a smart-alec "you're all wrong, we're the only ones who are right"-style editorial.

Winslet was hot in the movie, but I also admit her permanent "angry German woman scowl" was a bit distracting…

In the words of Conan: TV. It's better than books!

Bishop Richard Williamson
Btw, I'm getting kind of tired hearing about how Jews are upset about the Pope's re-instating a Holocaust denying bishop without anyone ever mentioning all the Catholics that are pissed off about it too. Not everyone who's Catholics agrees with all (or even much) of the Pope's actions,

I can't believe no one's mentioned the Koala bit at the end of American Dad! That was hilarious! and soooo random!

FG is turning into Seth MacFarlane's personal playground. Let's put this signature character in this music video! Let's make these characters dance to an 80s hit! Let's mock this celebrity! Let's make it the 1800s for no reason! Let's make a funny commercial! It's sort of going the South Park route — less of a show