Great. So soon the only way to get quality television will be to pay for it.
Great. So soon the only way to get quality television will be to pay for it.
Lo-cal roofies, presumably.
Journalists are humorless wonks
Major news outlets always try to view everything through the prism of politics. They're so hardwired for hard news that everything loses meaning for them if it's not directly tied to the economy, the housing market or "major social trends" (tm) The most laughable example in recent…
Bling is official dead
The new Republican National Committee Chairman also recently used the word "bling" in a public statement, confirming his status as the whitest black man in America.
Given Dicken's love of bad theatrics and mass-appeal entertainment (as well as the thousands upon thousands of ridiculous remakes of a Christmas carol, especially in cartoon form), I doubt this will be the straw the breaks the camel's back.
Given Dicken's love of bad theatrics and mass-appeal entertainment (as well as the thousands upon thousands of ridiculous remakes of a Christmas carol, especially in cartoon form), I doubt this will be the straw the breaks the camel's back.
Still sounds better than Over Her Dead Body
So this is a movie about a man who's ex-girlfriends are all dead? Is he a serial killer or just consumed by grief?
Still sounds better than Over Her Dead Body
So this is a movie about a man who's ex-girlfriends are all dead? Is he a serial killer or just consumed by grief?
Fey's shorty
I can't believe no one pointed out that this episode contained another rare sighting of Tina Fey's real-life pint-sized husband, Jeff Richmond! (He was the one accompanying Jenna during Kenneth's dinner.)
Is anyone else bothered by how bizarrely misogynistic this show's whole premise seems? (Oh, so there's one Active who's a man? How often does he get used as an escort? …and even if he does, it doesn't exculpate the show, because it's obviously about the infinitely malleable hot women, not the guys.) No matter how…
Has anyone *ever* landed a high-powered job after someone mistakes their facile observations for great wisdom? Because it seems to happen in movies and television on a daily basis.
I dunno… Everyone's heard the word "porque," right? I had two semesters of Spanish four years ago, and even I remember that. And once Jin didn't have Sun to fall back on, he was basically in a total immersion program.
It was close enough for me. He raised her. (He's a bastard but he did do that at least.)
Rose and Bernard?
Hey, random thought. What the heck are Rose and Bernard up to? Are they still at the camp on the beach? Or were they and the (ever-dwindling) cast of extras also scattered by li'l Widmore and his crew? Are they also time-jumping?
Did they show her as part of the Other "family" before or after the plane crash? If it's after, it makes since, because maybe she's simply been fully assimilated into the Others. If it's prior to the crash, then this seems like an enormous loose end. Ben and his crew seemed surprised by the crash, so I don't see how…
I still feel that Jin's presence during two incredibly traumatic life experiences (the shipwreck and the murder of her lover), plus the strangeness of his sudden disappearance into thin air would leave a lasting impression. I don't expect her to remember every face or photo from 16 years ago, but under these…
Thank you! They *never* talk about Cindy! She's been holed up in the Temple with the children from Oceanic Flight 815 since like Season 2!
I've got to imagine we'll get too see Daniel warn lil' Charlotte in a future episode… It seems too important to just refer to in the dialogue… Maybe they can shoehorn it in when we learn what he was doing in that mine in the '70s.
The show would suffer without Ben, but the guy's such an asshole, and has always been such an asshole, that it would have been incredibly satisfying for at least a minute if Sun has just blown his head off. I really want to see him in a situation he can't talk his way out of — and I mean one where he's the one to…
Forget Dr. Manhetten or Orlando, I'm still on Desmond as Dr. Who. I think the two power players in this series are turning out to him and Ben. Their encounter at the end of this episode felt like two ends of a magnet colliding. Both understand more about island's power than anyone else, and both have prior experiences…