now we know

yes. what the New York Times and even this article aren't fully acknowledging is that no one is listening to seapunk. no one is discussing their favorite seapunk artists, no one is putting on seapunk records and the artists associated with it are not successfully touring across the country. it is a twitter joke

I used to be kind of a russell brand apologist, but he's made it more or less impossible the last couple years. I don't know what triggers it for him, but there are quite a few interviews he's done and bits like the riots statement and his books where I find him very enjoyable and remember why I have a soft spot for

definitely going to look into this guy. i saw the uzumaki movie a while ago (not knowing it was based of Junji's work). don't remember much other than that part with the washing machine.

yeah, i guess i want bjork to be more famous over here than she is.  either way, if Wiig can keep lines like that "and i made this hole for his dreams and ideas" coming i guess i can get over it because that was indeed hilarious.

she was on Colbert recently, she just didn't really act like Kristen Wiig's impression at all. i always feel like Kristen Wiig is doing an impression of Winona Ryder's impression of Bjork (which was hilarious but more timely). I think it's a funny character, i just think going off the Bjork template from ten or twelve

"It certainly seemed like a calculated maneuver by a once-respected
artist now entering her 'desperate for attention and, dammit, it
worked!' period"

how can someone who's lip-syncing be tone-deaf though?

the soundtrack is also enjoyable! 

"…an honor bestowed upon only the most deserving humorists such as Sarah Silverman, Whitney Cummings, Chelsea Handler, and Emeril"