
So far, I love the show, and I think the reason I relate to it so well is one many of us share, as illuminated by a quote from episode 1: "Funny thing about being smart is you can get through most of life without doing any work".

Almost for sure that was Veuve Cliquot, which is no slouch in the champagne world. Meaning that Don was choosing to be self-centered and pouty, not a big stretch, really.

Even Minus Abilities
I just like the Eyedea reference. That dude slays it.

Geez man, you put one vaguely penile structure on one album cover and all of a sudden you're "phallic". Maybe they just like towers.

The opening of Potion Approaching reminds me of Nirvana's Very Ape, minus the teeth. I don't dislike the song or the album or the band, it's purely an observation.

I third Billie Jean as favorite Michael Jackson song, and top five all-time dance party songs for sure. I love the simplicity of the light-up squares video too.

You're an anti-dentite, I was tucked, now give me the nudie mags.

For sure he has awesome music, but out of the thirteen songs chosen for this week, how many were good? Maybe four? Not that he doesn't have a ton of better songs, but he has a LOT of songs, and a pretty good chunk of them are not as great as his legend would imply.

Ok, answering the quote "Anoop could have saved himself if he did Thriller", what choice did I have? Congratulations, your horse is much higher than mine.

The thing that I found interesting is how much this episode highlighted the unevenness of MJ's career. Thriller is one of the greatest albums of all time, and he has untouchable gems scattered throughout the rest, but overall, has he written more bad songs than good? I would say yes. Has he also written more

Still un-covered(hyphen required): the blue ballpoint pen madness. I think it's pretty incredible, am I crazy?

Misty water-colored memories.
Ahhh…reminds me of when I lived in Minneapolis and went to see Thursday, on what inconveniently happened to be a Thursday. They were playing the side room in a club called the Quest while the mainroom was hosting Big Head Todd and the Monsters. The two lines were sort of overlapping and

Your ignorance of fear-punchy makes me stronger!

Before they added the second drummer, even during the Source Tags and Codes tour, Conrad drummed on the songs Jason Reece sang. And he was awesome. That is all.

Blue Ballpoint Pen
I haven't noticed anyone else comment on the fact that Conrad Keely is both ridiculously talented, and a totally weird dude. The fact that he drew the current album cover with only blue ballpoint pen, and also has a small traveling exhibit of his blue ballpoint pen works, combined with the fact

I generally like Neil Gaiman's writing style. The Sandman comics had their charms, he has also written good children's books and short stories. I already commented on Stardust, but to sum up, Book A-/B+, Movie C-. I really enjoyed Neverwhere and think it could translate really well as a movie in the right hands. I

Stardust the book was a fun, light read with some truly inspired prose. Stardust the movie was a lifeless, bloated monstrosity that substituted 20 minutes of Robert DeNiro mugging as a gay pirate for the subtle comedy of the original story.

As no one is throwing you the bone (metaphorically (grammatically, not sexually(I don't presume anything))) speaking: Well done on the It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia reference.

Pretend this singer has a regular American accent. B- at best, am I right?