
Fuck kurt cobain and his whiney pussy shit. Nirvana is ridiculously over rated. as are the beatles. there were bands that were definitely better at the time, but pretty boy was sad and decided to off himself. that's a coward's way out.

i need a catchphrase

there was definitely a lump in my throat. The adult in me is skeptical as all hell about this movie, but the kid in me is all about it.

Lemur- I don't think it's a desire to actually go home or back to high school per se, I think we're all referencing a desire for the safe and familiar while reconciling that itch for the unknown, for some adventure.
The excitement, the risk of failure, the risk of success, all of these things make life worth it. But

yeah I'm on the cusp of 30 (5 months to go) and I feel like I've achieved nothing. I dunno, I think partdavid had it right, that yen for some adventure never goes away, but neither does the desire to go home and be safe again. This is a book that embodies this sentiment in as few words as necessary and

Batmanuel would go see Welfare Sluts Bust Dangerously Irresponsible Nuts. Also the sequel Welfare Sluts II: Electric Cumaloo.

Fireproof 2: Lost in New York
Fireproof 2: Kirk Lives
The Rage: Fireproof 2
I still know what you fireproofed last summer…your marriage!
Fireproof 2: Prequel to the Exorcist

The kids are in my lair, like judy winslow and the older cunningham brother…

Batmanuel would like to know what the hell is up with peter's weird lips. he looks like he has some sort of palsy…

Rihanna will be my octomom…

I once got lost in that vagina…I needed my bat-fetus repellant to make it out of there.

I once got lost in that vagina…I needed my bat-fetus repellant to make it out of there.