
The previews immediately following the episode are normally not bad for spoilers. But AMC's promos throughout the week are terrible. The promos for Breaking Bad were especially bad. The damn narrator would essentially describe the climax of the previous episode.

Way to spoil next week's episode AMC. This channel is the worst I have ever seen for ruining reveals. Douchers.

I always liked to think that the kid at the end of Second Renaissance is Neo.

I loved the last line of the episode from the apparitions.

It took me a second to get that. Heh.

What about all this talk about how there were no other footprints but her own at the point where she changed direction?

I'm actually pretty annoyed at the little girl. She better have a damn compelling reason for disappearing.

The reason it was a "very special" 90-minute episode was because it had 40 minutes of commercials. Sheesh.

A question for Mr. Frakes.

But seriously, what the fuck did I just watch?

Yes. Peter was wearing an identical oblivious expression for a few moments.

I laughed at the book of lists.

I heard her on Howard Stern the other day plugging the show. She seems very insecure and she's probably going to take it badly when the show fails.

A question for Mr. Frakes.

I've never watched this show. Is it actually funny?

With Mike, I've never wanted anyone to live more.

In the scene were Needles finds Tommy with his notepad in the kitchen, Needles has a couple of lines that go: "…look Tommy I know you're burnt right now. We all are."

Wouldn't that be a twist. Instead of Lou's ample girth being a liability and a danger to the team as suggested by Franco—it actually saved all of their lives.

That opening movie scene…that effing opening movie scene…
The bile was definitely rising during that opening scene with movie night. I almost thought it was a dream sequence because the people were laughing so unnaturally—that it would transform into someone's nightmare. I'm sure they would have ended it with the

This is what's going to happen…
The resistance will eventually find a way to reach the latent personalities hidden in the Skitters. Skitters join forces with resistance and help force the TLAs off the planet. The End. I shoot myself.