Mike Greggs

I think it's within the scope of this show's occasional bad plotting.  And this falls right under my Karen should have just died argument…  It seems more likely that Lip will suss out that Mandy was behind this; she's not too brilliant.

I think he should have definitely knew her as much as he's supposed to know about the Gallaghers and their follies, but yeah, he's getting this "I finally know what I want to do!" high and he looks all starry-eyed right past Karen as if she's just another piece of meat on a stretcher. It was a sort of twisted

Karen was such a bloody mess that it's conceivable that what'shisname wouldn't recognize her. The whole Karen rundown practically came up Main Street didn't it?  Not exactly subtle this, and now we've got a Karen on her "deathbed" plot to contend with? Foul! It seems to me they should have just killed her off and

oh yeah and that rednecking spit at the end just floored me, buh-bye Brandon…

"I'm the arthur of my own elimination!" "Who's Arthur?"  It may have been a big mistake bringing Lil' Hantz back, but it was pretty funny seeing him face off with Phillip. In a straight up scrap who wins that fight? Does the Specialist have ninja skills waiting to be displayed?  He's definitely in a lot better

never play The House of the Undying

Did Dan Akyroyd eat a tractor?
Steve blew the 3 Amigos salute by coughing too soon.
Too many cameos makes the soup self-indulgent.
Would have traded descriptions of 3 more of NY's hottest clubs for that rotten Caligula sketch.
The Festrunk Brothers were never THAT funny to begin with, so to see them strain their way

After careful and strenuous consideration of the whole alphabet, I've come to decide that this episode deserves a lot of Z's.  Kevin Hart may have brought himself, tried-hard and shouted all his lines, but you just can't get real laughs out of nothing.  The Shark Tank sketch deserved a lot better, endless potential

Odenkirk killed it I thought.

CSI The Office

I thought it was a better episode grade-wise than what you gave it, but I tend to derive my enjoyment of Survivor more from conflict, craziness and challenges.  When everybody gets along it's a cure for insomnia. The whole Shame-ar thing kept things lively and unpredictable.  I can not understand how a former marine

Dolphins and orangutans everywhere are fucking offended….

"Who do I look like, Lewis and/or Clark?"

Watching "And Mama, makes three…" became progressively squirmworthy. The whole idea just seemed like an excuse to stage an embarrassing sex scene. I mean, if the stupid turkey baster idea didn't work the first time try again, or anything else including professional means of artificial insemination, but noooooo, they

The book, what I was able to read of it, passed off to me by someone who thought I might like it, somehow manages to capture the voice of America's biggest blowhard, know-it-null, in-your-face asshole as if he was standing right there over you browbeating you to death because hey you're an idiot, right?  Insufferable

Right, Frank's always ready with a thoughtful detail to complete the lie.

The bigger issue that needs to be dealt with is that Mickey's father is an incestuous and grotesque raper. Mandy should straight up castrate him for that, and she could get away with it.

That's right!  It wasn't treated like anything, but I for one am interested in Liam's development. That he is Frank's real kid, unlike Ian the spitting image of his nuncle, is hilarious.  I expected Liam to be more grown up for season 3 fwiw.

There's something wonderful about a guy who'll spend the rest of his busy day with a surveying stripe painted down him.

I didn't know Medear had a band.