
Come on!

Close! It was Phil Hartman imitating Jack Nicholson.

Right? Gilly isn't really funny when you're watching it but it's hilarious to talk about it. It's like the opposite of improv comedy.

This isn't really going to work over the phone…

@Primer: "There's plenty of opportunities for interpretation if you're up for it…"

a suggestion
For future postings, might I suggest a full track list. Just a thought.

[impassioned defense of electronic music with a mild, veiled dig at Balls' intelligence]

Sometimes I think the AV Club puts mistakes in their writing on purpose. Just to make sure we're paying attention.

This is great!
New Metric AND The State on DVD. Life is good.

My legs are so powerful.

You're not getting dollar one you ugly man!

Kamaruzaman Sjam

@ Dorkus Malorkus. Your name and picture floor me. Please consider being my new hero.

And the firstie craze ends on a high note! Now let's never speak of it again.