
Watching Richard's facial expressions during the judges table has become a highlight of the show for my girlfriend and I.

The most memorable Unsolved Mysteries segment for me was a story where a whole family just died for no reason. A couple of them died in their sleep, and the rest woke up in the morning and died like 20 minutes later. According to the show, a reason was never discovered. I was pretty young at the time, and that shit

what does GGG stand for, anyway?

@tausif my mind = blown

Mae Whitman
I never saw Parenthood before, but ended up watching tonight's episode for some reason. I thought it was boring, and spent most of the episode trying to decide if Amber was played by Mae Whitman or the girl from Caprica.

I was hoping you would use less videos and cutaways than the first videos, but they're still pretty prevalent. Less annoying this time, but still annoying.

He's probably a nice guy, but I don't like the way he talks on the podcasts. Everything he says sounds kind of like he's making some kind of grand pronouncement. I think it makes him sound kind of douche-y.

I used to listen to the /Filmcast, and the Armond White episode was pretty interesting, but I really can't stand David Chen. He almost ruins the Tobolowsky files for me.

I can't wait for the next Winter Olympics to come so I can watch more curling. Although I had trouble actually sitting through an entire match, I'm pretty sure I watched it at least every other day during the olympics.

Illidan/Crakzak. All the way at level 49

6/15. Out of the ones I've seen, the one I liked the least was probably Toy Story 3.

I, and most people at my theater it seemed, thought the first thing you mentioned was hilarious.

The only thing that would have made the sex scene better was if Lethal Weapon 5 included a second sex scene, composed of the same footage.

I was going to post something about how I felt about this episode, but you posted pretty much everything I would want to say.

what's up with the av club rss feed? i haven't gotten anything since the top chef review last night

grunt, bunt, and runt are all inherently funny