Satanic Whoremaster

all this albini crap.

go watch benny's video, youll have a better frame of reference. except in that movie the kid does the killing.

very unwieldy, dude. it completely blacks out major periods of Neil's career, focuses way too much on his upbringing, but the worst part is McDonough's shameless and very liberal sprinkling of his own silly opinions on Neil's music. No one, absolutely no one bought that book because they cared whether or not McDonough

word. Hammer of the Gods is one of the worst-written rock books ever. I think it was conceived somewhere in between bouts of frantic masturbation and self-recrimination - little else could explain its combination of tortured middle school sentence structure and weirdly misplaced morality.

Just when I was wondering, back in the day, whether there could be anything gayer than Deathcab, that Postal Service album came out.

well, I still jerk off manually…

I will impale all of you with my homemade black metal weapon!

Yeah I think the time has long passed to quick chatting with this troll.

The bottom line is, all this righteous pontificating that Diowocas and Uastojup (same person?) are posting here simply has no place in any discussion of Black Metal. Yeah, Nazism (which in German is short for Nationalsozialismus, "National" being correctly pronounced "Nazionaal" - so NO, I am not just shortening it

I figured that since Cat Stevens was on that terrorist no-fly list a few years back that Coldplay wouldn't step to his shit. But I guess I was wrong. Fatwa, anyone?

I don't think anybody here is promoting national socialism. All I initially wanted were some opinions on a metal album I like, and boy did I get opinions (although most of them came from people who obviously have never even heard Selbstmord).

"(I'm actually willing to give Burzum something of a pass here because his lyrics—at least on Filosofem—don't espouse Nazism (at least not on their face))"

yep, some major tooldom going on here from the armchair aesthetic theorist.

Yes! And Sargeist, Dodsferd, Krohm, etc.

wow, simmer down righteous avenger.

Maybe it's just not kosher to mention NSBM on this site/comment board, i dunno really, but the best black metal album I've heard so far this year is definitely Selbstmord's "Dawn of a New Era." Aside from the fact that I find it incredibly strange that a polish group can be into national socialism (I guess Rob

Speaking of seeing Marduk live, one of the bands they are touring with, Merrimack, JUST came out with a new one, Grey Rigorism.

@ Roymond

Word. Klostermann is more of a paid masturbator than an actual critic anyway.

no actual suicidal black or doom metal?