Funk Man

Whiffed it.  Wife, son, infant daughter was the way to go with this one.

That's kind of my problem with Rollins these days.  He does a lot of stuff, but it's all based around his minor celebrity.  I'd like to travel the world, too, but nobody's willing to pay me for that because I'm not Henry Rollins.

I know the feeling.  Ages 16 through 20 were a blur of shitty Bruce Campbell movies.

They don't just strictly recreate the album tracks, and the whole thing feels like a continuous piece of music.  The songs slowly take shape then bleed into other songs.  The rhythmic-but-not-really thing present in everything since Load Blown also works better when it's played LOUD and you're surrounded by it.

I could deal with the co-op thing, but I couldn't buy Leonard's panic when the lesbians busted out the dildo.  This aggressively "enlightened" dude is really going to back out of a threesome because he feels threatened by a sex toy?  It seemed like a cheap way to establish the character as existing firmly on one end

I prefer Cold Weather to Quiet City, but I'd say both are better than the rest of the bunch.  Katz is a genuinely good filmmaker.

The current incarnation of Earth is incredible live.  Goldston is given a lot of room to improvise around Carlson, so it isn't just a note-for-note replication of the records.  It's also cool to hear cello incorporated into some of the old material.  I'll admit to occasionally getting bored at drone shows that outstay

That's great Bad, you're a regular Boss.

The quality of the films has a way of clouding the fact that Alice and the last Pirates movie still made a lot of fucking money.  Like, all time international top 10 money.

Something married Fergie?  Gross.

Not fair.  That shit might look awful on the page, but McBride and Franco manage to make it funny.  Rogen, too, but to a lesser extent.  Pineapple is a disappointment when viewed in the context of Green's filmography, but it's a decent comedy on its own.

Critics agree….that Yuck album is somewhere between the 11th and 15th best album of the year.  It just wouldn't be a best of 2011 list without that fucker lurking just outside the top 10.

I already liked Kymia, but I'm pulling for her even harder after finding out she was formerly in the band that eventually evolved into Future Islands.  She's done a bunch of Future Islands cover art, too, and they always have really interesting covers.  I can't help but pull for someone who's work is in my living room

This is dumb, and based on the assumption that everyone involved in Parks and Rec will wrap it up when they feel it's reached it's logical conclusion.  That basically never happens, especially with comedies.  Breaking Bad and Lost both picked their end dates, but both are/were dramas with ongoing arcs that ask for

I agree with you about Tarantino, I'm always convinced the next one is going to find him slipping into self-parody.  But lay off Collateral.  That movie is worthwhile for the Bardem cameo and the nightclub shoot out alone.  Michael Mann is the Dawes of action directors.

Yeah, all his scripts leak almost immediately.

Most of the roles that have been cast are really small, but this is one's actually pretty critical.  There's a brief stretch in the script where this character is front and center.  I'd say it's about as big as Fassbender in Basterds.

"But Spielberg is not an auteur."

I think you have a poor grasp of what Rule 34 really means.

"Sure I cleaned up…I cleaned up half the poppies in Asia."