Dixon Bainbridge

So…after reading comment after comment saying that the racial aspects of this show are irrelevant and that taking race and gender into consideration is stupid, etc., I almost didn't comment, because why bother getting shouted down when everyone already agrees, right? But, here I am, because I'm assuming that most of

Just popped in to register my excitement - we have, ahem, illicit copies of these at home, but man it'll be great to see those bare titties and punted dogs in full, clear quality. Now if we could finally get Darkplace on DVD here too…
[yells at dimwitted brother] How is Mother doing?
[dimwit brother]…?
[yelilng again]

…a beachside hut in Tulum…
the sound of waves crashing outside
no electricity, so it's pretty dark, though we did bring along a little player for the iPod
things are getting romantic…
..and then Funkaho's "Bootay" comes up on random

I went with a friend to Miami for spring break (wooo!) after my Sophomore year. Didn't have anything to read, so we stopped by a used book store near our hostel. I ended up going with Elie Wiesel's "Night"(must have just let my eyes graze over the back cover blurb) and read it on the beach over the next three days. It