Tool's show is pretty "sensory overload," but pretty great.
Tool's show is pretty "sensory overload," but pretty great.
You lucky bastard. Gregory Isaacs was on my list of must-sees, but then he had to go and die. Fuck.
Speaking of Irish-type singalongs, I would like to mention the Dropkick Murphys as being a far better live band than they are on record. I've seen them twice — once in a huge outdoor setting (Warped Tour), and once with acoustic instruments in a rainy parking lot after the cops shut down the venue. Both times,…
I saw the Lips live for the first time this fall, and it was quite possibly the most entertaining show I've ever seen. I was only a casual fan at the time, but no longer. I have been listening to their records in heavy rotation ever since. Awesome, awesome, awesome.
When we're talking about Canadian power-pop/punk, I think Chixdiggit deserves a mention. Saw 'em in the mid-90s in a small bar, and they were fucking killer.
Sam Adams just won the thread right there.
I've seen Neil a couple of times, and it's unbelievable. An absolute must-see.
I've seen Tegan and Sara twice, when they were touring for "If It Was You" (by far my favourite T&S record). Great live show. They've come back through town a number of times since, but their increased popularity ever since "The Con" means they've played much larger venues, with much higher ticket prices, and I…
I have missed Fishbone twice. I was out of town both times. As a huge Fishbone fan, I find this incredibly depressing.
I don't think we need to get into the "how do you define a hipster" debate again, but substitute "the Arcade Fire" for "Pavement" and you have the 90s version.
The self-titled album is great, "Soup" is great, and even the posthumous "Nico" collection is great.
Nowell had a great voice.
Where's Child Abuse on this list? That's my vote for album of the year. Fuck the Arcade Fire.
Probably. They nominated Soundgarden for "Black Rain," which is at least 20 years old.
I just think it's cool that Chris Cornell, Dave Grohl and Jerry Cantrell are all going to be vying for the same award.
They ran a 10-second promo ad for their album on CTV every time there was a commercial break for months. Since CTV is the only channel I can pick up clearly on my television, this was infuriating.
I think the most important point is that the best rock music AND rap music in recent memory all came out around the same time period.
I'm still upset that people somewhere in the world are using the term "forensics" to mean "debating." Freakin' weird, man.
All current indie rock IS for fuckin' pussyholes.
How long is this Alternative Nation series intended to run? Maybe it was mentioned in the first article (don't remember, too lazy to look it up), but is this just covering the 90s or will it venture into the 00s as well?