Inter Milan Kundera

I wondered that too but my theory is he would've just played dead and then woke up in a morgue and fucked with the medical examiner.

In terms of overall soul-crushing endings, The Silence , The Gift and I Shot an Arrow Into The Air deserve mentions. Serling pretty much laid the groundwork for effective TV drama in 5 seasons.

I took American Film Genres in college and we started with this. One of the best films we watched all semester (stiff competition considering we also watched Rio Bravo , The Shootist and Singin' in the Rain , too)

Right. I know a guy who works for them and he understands the hate against TMZ but then he told me a story about waiting for Rev Run outside a pizza shop in NYC and he grabbed a slice but since A MASSIVE THRONG APPEARED he was forced to crouch on the sidewalk and eat while waiting.


Their first album is their best IMO but I echo everyone who says the music they put out post From Under The Cork Tree is severely lacking. "I Don't Care" is terrible.

Great. This means The Winds of Winter will be out in 2019.

God that sounds amazing. Yeah McMahon's got a new 6 piece outfit. They're releasing an EP soon. "Learn to Dance" is one of their new songs. I hope he writes songs forever.

Totally agree.

I saw them at Radio City on Saturday, really good show. They did go overboard with the light displays (like full on Porygon-Pokemon-episode HOLY SHIT CHILD SEIZURES type stuff) but I enjoy them. Although to echo the Ally side charity thing there was a plethora of lesbians sitting near me. Which was dope.

Scat Autotune killed me.

Scat Autotune killed me.

I'm absurdly excited for this. Kinane is a gem.

I'm absurdly excited for this. Kinane is a gem.

As someone who wants to write for a living, the prevalence and popularity of these movies and books is both extremely disheartening and uplifting. On one hand, I read the first Twilight and, after I was done, threw it over a fence where a rabid dog tore it to shreds. I couldn't believe something so odious would be so

As someone who wants to write for a living, the prevalence and popularity of these movies and books is both extremely disheartening and uplifting. On one hand, I read the first Twilight and, after I was done, threw it over a fence where a rabid dog tore it to shreds. I couldn't believe something so odious would be so



After watching two episodes I am convinced that Daniel Tosh is either trolling the shit out of America, seeing what he can get away with on TV, or he's suffered a fall and lost his mind.

After watching two episodes I am convinced that Daniel Tosh is either trolling the shit out of America, seeing what he can get away with on TV, or he's suffered a fall and lost his mind.