Lincolns Revenge

temporarily, but Nabin revived them personally by deeming Speed Racer a "secret success."

would you consider a "Plove"?

30% is about right, it should sound great in an IMAX theater.

what the fuck's a tortoise?

no, no, that's Lamont from Sanford & Son.

the eyebrows are a nice touch.

like hell we don't, betterforsome.

but then who plays Dennis? Kevin Dillon?

I don't know why they call this stuff Hamburger Helper, it does just fine by itself.

I like Carla Gallo and her strengths seems to play better on TV over a longer time frame. she's very cute and manic in her sporadic role on Bones.

like I said, I haven't gotten around to it - which includes looking for it.

I'm all for supporting AIDS charities, but the only ones participating in this campaign were douchebags I don't want to hear from anyway.

I'm more or less the same - I kept hearing about it being good, but never got around to watching it. put it it on Hulu and I'll check it out, FX.

couldn't be any worse than that reality show about an LA tanning salon, which I think got multiple seasons. I only know of it from watching The Soup, I swear.

I've said it before, I'll say it again - The Closer is Kyra Sedgewick with a horrible southern accent and clown make-up.

Right Wingnut is the reason I still get Pottery Barn and LL Bean catalogues even though I've never shopped there or been to their website.

quite, ZMF. nothing else comes close.

my money's on the pregnancy. too bad the show is going nowhere and I doubt I'll keep watching next season.

I stopped watching during the middle of last season once I realized they were going to unsuccessfully drag uot the Mother reveal as long as they could. I only watched tonight because House and Chuck weren't on and I wanted to see if I'd been missing anything. turns out "no."

they're practically giving those things away, like it'll be hard to convince a ton of people to go buy it. Amazon, Best buy and even Target all have the bluray for $18.