
I mean… I'm not sure I agree that that's the takeaway problem. I think the biggest problem is that his films sort of lost heart and strong characterization and became more about the twist. If you look at The Sixth Sense, the story was obviously crafted around the twist, sure, but the characterization of Willis'

OH YEAH! I forgot, I watched Sneaky Pete also. Thanks for reminding me about that!

Wait, that was a line of dialogue? I must have missed it. That's the dumbest thing ever.

That too. The New Order is tremendously satisfying to play.

Yeah it's kind of disappointing that Amazon's selection is so shitty most of the time. Even their original TV series… the only one I plan on watching is The Tick. And, I watched the first season of Patriot (it was alright). Are there any other originals worth watching?

"Deep Inside of You" is a pretty fantastically organized song, too. I don't think Third Eye Blind deserves to be ridiculed the same way Matchbox 20 does.

3 AM is Matchbox Twenty / Rob Thomas, isn't it?

That thought occurred to me as well. It didn't exactly seem like it was going in that direction this episode, but the door seemed somewhat open, anyway. I do have some hopes that Rachel could be integrated into the rest of the group, perhaps, but I'm not holding my breath either.

Man, Philip is like one of my favorite characters in ANYTHING.

Yeah, is it just me or is Art pretty weird with her, nonetheless? Like, obviously he's doing stuff because he has to, and she's aware he's in a corner and that's why he's cooperating with this partner, but… I don't know, a lot of the scenes felt kind of wrong. He was too eager to be submissive with her, I guess.

I think that's a fair read. It's a little bit jarring that this is Ben Horne we're talking about, but I think that's probably pretty close to what the scene was intending to illustrate.

I don't know, I read one of your other comments above about Billy - I'm not sure that we've seen or gotten context of who this 'Billy' is. She talked about Billy as her lover, etc., and I don't know that we've seen a character that seemed to be the character being referred to in this scene.

That's possible, but the kid wasn't riding a bike when he got hit, and he likely won't know anything about the little boy. It's still possible he's making that reach, though I tend to think that might be a bit of a stretch for that type of extended empathy from Ben Horne, even in this context where he's heard some

That's a good catch… is this how Truman knows already that she was a witness, despite her being unconscious, I guess?

"some shit is about to go down."

I don't think that's obvious at all, lol. It's obvious that they're showing him doing exactly the opposite. That said, I don't think it's going to happen in the next episode, or probably the one after that.

I mean, it sounds like their message just isn't your thing in general. I mean, personally, I'd say not enough artists really question some of these aspects of society enough, and SOMEONE has to do it. Like, I get that the message seems overwrought to some people - like in "Creature Comfort", it obviously is dramatic

I don't know why a lot of people seem to think that. That doesn't seem to be what that scene meant. I mean, maybe they will go that route, but I guess I feel if that's where they were planning on heading, then maybe they should have left that scene out entirely. Because, to me, the scene seemed to be suggesting she

I don't think you are overestimating it, really. It's been established in seasons past that dragons can totally decimate towers with their flames - Harenhaal (spelling) I think is when the subject came up a few times.

Well, on the contrary, he seems to have many, many fucks to give… to Cersei, specifically.