factual opinion

Nice headcheck to the fake birth certificate crazies for the one black character. Bonus points for it coming from a Hawaiian hospital, keeps it topical.

Shit, now she's staring at the casket! He can't hear you, crazy lady!

I like that she's pretending her body can experience emotion. Shouldn't have waste your feelings during Glitter! You're missing 'em now!

I don't understand why nobody who finds out ever goes "jesus! get em outta here! I got kids!" If the news is any indication, people believe that most diseases can be transmitted merely by speaking them aloud three times fast.

I figured the whole "not doing this for the rest of my life" was a head nod to the assassination-that guy sounded like the dude who talked to Olivia the Crybaby on the phone earlier.

How could you have skipped that the first time? I've got it on a VHS tape I work on in my spare time. Someday I'm going to sell it for millions. "Women and Men react to JBJ." You got the sex scene from the prequel, you got the torture kill from season 2, when that doctor was just blown away by the magic…it's going to

Not to be gross, but does Jack even have the capability to hit it anymore? I have a hard time believing that the Chinese, throughout all those months of torture, never went for the Bauer Junk.

That T-1000 line was pretty incredible, mostly because he included "by Cyberdyne Systems." Taub is really growing on me.

That big mama's house poster is incredible.

Yeah, my wife feels the same way—that Rose is actually trying to keep it to a minimum. I don't have any real reason beyond my own personal inadequacy as a human being, but I just can't stand her or any of those other people who cry and mention dead people. You're probably right…but the way they edit this show, I

I was really hoping that she was going to bust out some of her "FBI Agent" skills to debate her way back onto the show.
