absolute travis t

Can't wait till the sequel where apparently hunters get tired of standard hunts so the range builds a hybrid dog. Chris Pratt stars, naturally.

We need the plane drop scene from 7 but they all have those hang gliders.

Hmm, for a band with that title, I was little disappointed at the general lack of screaming.

Ha, I had the exact same thought that this could've been a Who ep, I'd love to see classic scenes like the one in Blink where he's on the computer giving that dramatic speech, 'whatever you do… don't blink, ain't that right mr. poopybutthole?'

A parody series that targets Nanook of the North? Sign me up for those niche and classic pulls.

If they had any self awareness it'd be Straight Outta Ideas.

I love AJ, I think her reactions really help sell the insanity of the show, she's tries to keep a positive attitude throughout but you can always tell when she has that look of "you're going to do it, aren't you? You're so fucking dumb". I find it always tends to affect the impact of a Review when she actually feels

Just imagine how weird this roster is gonna get if it's all comic actors like this. I really want to know now if Harley will be in it.

No, no, I mean all the way back to the very start. Supposedly in all the data of the Council of Ricks, Rick didn't belong to the first world they destroyed with Cronenbergs either, apparently.

Oh wow, I didn't notice it being a Cronenberg so your observation makes a lot of sense. I've been reading a lot of fan theories and apparently Rick doesn't even belong in the original universe at the start of the show, so it's suspected that the Rick in that world went off and died, and he replaced him and went back

He does tend to talk to people (Karen, Ben, Fisk, etc.) as both Matt and DD with exactly the same voice and close enough so that they can easily make out his lower face.

I like to believe that after what we've seen of his relationship to Fisk, they do consider themselves the only real friend they each have. In the midst of Fisk losing his grasp on his organisation and almost losing Vanessa, Wesley is his right hand man; he probably feels some guilt even if it's not his fault. So

I think it actually serves as a great end to his character. After trying his best to console Fisk with Vanessa, he really wants to give him some good news which is adorable that he tries to do it himself. It may be a cliche that got him killed, but he accidentally did it trying to imitate the same gravitas his boss

I think people just really want to see Bullseye despite that the fact that that'd be an awful introduction to the character. I mean he fucks up the situation so badly that the crooked cop survives and then goes on to give information to DD later, so if anything that stunt harmed Fisk's overall plans.

It's an interesting note to look at, when I first watched it, I thought it was just fortunate chance that his stick hit the lights. But then again he demonstrates perfect precision with throwing those so perhaps he did it purposefully knowing that moment was the definitive kill-or-be-killed finish.

I like to imagine that for someone in his position, he gets people everyday asking humdrum questions on morality and sin. Now he puts two and two together and finds himself with a blind man single-handedly taking on the whole city's crime problem.

At least someone cares for Seamus, even if it's a 12 year old.

Paul Blart 2: Paul Blarter

Cinematography so dark it got David Fincher squinting as he turns up the brightness on his monitor.

Superman ain't got time to bleed.