
These fantastic comments have coverered every issue I had with this turd of a movie except one.  What the hell was the point the Ace bandage underwear?  Can you imagine what a hassle it would be to go to the bathroom?

These fantastic comments have coverered every issue I had with this turd of a movie except one.  What the hell was the point the Ace bandage underwear?  Can you imagine what a hassle it would be to go to the bathroom?

It took 7 comments to get to the Alf pog quote?  You guys are slipping.

Leatherface 3D?!  Oh, for fuck's sake. 

This made my day!  Their earlier albums have held up so well and I've often wished that they'd released more.  Really looking forward to this release.

Maybe Laura Dern can convice David Lynch to quit screwing around and make another movie.  I love this lady - she's a class act.

Creepy in Twin Peaks, too, in an awesome way. 

"Eurhythmics" looks so weird, even though it makes more sense than the way they actually spell it.

Whistle while you work
Hilter is a jerk
Mussolini bit his weenie now it doesn't work

"Not in any kind of creepy, Method actor-y kind of way"
Love that - I wonder if he's referring to anyone he knows.