I get my love of Cyril Connolly from Monty Python. Also: Archbishop Makarios.
I get my love of Cyril Connolly from Monty Python. Also: Archbishop Makarios.
Brian's mother: What star sign is he?
Wise Man #2: Capricorn.
Brian's Mother: Capricorn, eh? What are they like?
Wise Man #2: He is the son of God, our Messiah.
Wise Man #1: King of the Jews.
Brian's mother: And that's Capricorn, is it?
Wise Man #3: No, no, that's just him.
Brian's mother: Oh, I was going to say,…
I'm a yellow-fanged Limey douchebag and I remember The Falklands War very well. Still, Mrs Thatcher was re-elected in 1983 on the strength of it, so it wasn't all bad…
1903 for the spicy condiment, 1974 for the old man tapping away on this new-fangled computerisator. Sheesh, this thread is depressing.
And I need to go back in time and remove that apostrophe from "Simpsons".
Shitty Screenwriter is correct. Someone needs to get in a hot tub time machine and go back in time to fix that Simpson's quote.
Presumably exposure to the plutonium would give him super-strength, no? I'm led to believe that's what exposure to radioactive materials does.
None whatsoever.
I always think of him as Super Nintendo Chalmers.
This isn't the Monsterometer! This is the Frog-Exaggerator!
Don't even get me started on Journey to the Centre of the Earth!
You creep.
Devastator and Voltron tremble at the might of the mega-Toxic Twin! Watch as it snorts down whole cities! Swoon as it deflowers every available virgin groupie!
I'm no expert on Journey, but I understand they may have had a song called Don't Stop Believin'.
And I read it as Steve Tyler. Or at least, a Steve Tyler/Jo Perry hybrid.
Victor, I wasn't saying I necessarily agreed with the use of the word "corny", just trying to work out if that's what Jason meant. I wouldn't use the word myself but it's an interesting point - if, indeed, that's what he's saying.
I could be wrong, but my reading of "corny" was that, in spite of its language/violent imagery/reputation, it's basically just another book about a teenager trying to finding their way in the world.
Say "freaky space octopi" three times and biastioc will appear.
Go for it!