
Eric Andre destroying his set (and his own body) at the beginning of every episode of The Eric Andre Show is a pretty great running gag (with actual running). The season 2 finale, where the set destruction was stretched out for the entire 15 minutes was some excellent anti-comedy.


I love the running gag on Childrens' Hospital of offhandedly mentioning that the show is set in Brazil (which it clearly is).

He probably filmed it during a Raptors game that he wasn't playing in.


You'll have to tell me what search terms to use. "Modern Family incestuous gay finger banging" isn't giving me the results I desire

Didn't get a 'Claire is pregnant' reveal this time, but I'll be damned if it doesn't happen eventually.

So what are the Vegas odds that there will be a big reveal that Claire is pregnant on tonight's episode of Modern Family?

I dunno about that. She plays a lot of overconfident, weird, sassy characters…just like Melissa McCarthy.

My favourite bad Tritter criticism of St. Vincent was "I don't get it". What is there to get? She's performing her songs with some cool choreography and lights, that's all.

But Bobby's got Choze….oh wait, never mind


Ugh god I was so pissed when people lost it because they stated the fact that Rudd was in Clueless. (Although it did remind me of this funny bit from Delocated: http://www.youtube.com/watc…

She does seem nice, but I can't stand her. She's a poor man's Melissa McCarthy.

For me this was the rare episode where the entertainment value of the musical act outranked the entertainment value of the sketches. St. Vincent was fantastic, the sketches were weak.

Watching Chris Hardwick manically host this show stresses me out. I assume it's what being on speed is like.

So you're the guy huh?

I would like to see Aidy leave. Instead of getting a Melissa McCarthy impersonator, get the real thing to host for the one movie she stars in every year.

I like this show, except for when Chris Hardwick feels the need to explain the joke as if nobody got it and/or try to riff on a panelist's joke and/or be doubled over laughing hysterically because he got the joke. Those are the few times when this show gets grating.

That would be fascinating if next season's overarching plot was the falling out of Jay and Gloria, although in my eyes it would definitely be a cop out on the show's part.