
I rewatched the entire show last summer while i was working and studying for the bar exam (thankfully, I passed), and I needed something to distract me when I was eating dinner but didn't want to have to think too hard. I watched most of the show around the end of it, when I was a college student in NYC and just

Comments like this are why I really want there to be Voyager reviews, even if the show is terrible. Imagine how much fun we'd all have!

Totally disagree - I devoured the book on a recent plane flight - but I'm a fan and thought it was excellent, as good as "Unaccustomed Earth" (which I thought was a big leap forward from "The Namesake). As the son of Indian immigrants I found it to be a nuanced look into a part of Indian history that doesn't get a lot

Also, this is totally self-aggrandizing, but I'm in LA this week on vacation and of course I had to swing by the Fisher and Sons funeral home:

This episode is one of the most thoughtful in the series, and one of my favorites. It ties the season together really well. Nate Sr. crying in the stairway while Ruth looks on is one of the series' best images.


Well, maybe not, but the rest of the season in part depends on the viewer at least worrying about Lisa's disappearance, rather than happy about it.


This is a very interesting examination into what was really a major event that unlike some of the other shows (Glee, Modern Family, Will and Grace) was less self-congratulatory about beating the Tolerance Drum.

I will never forgive the show for cutting to black after David and Keith acquiesce to Sarge. Never.


Timing and Space - the two things that Lisa and Nate don't have. Thrown together in marriage after conceiving Maya and living above Nate's mom's garage without a kitchen.

Wait, is the dog named Toto or Talyn?

Two of my all-time favorite shows - Farscape and Six Feet Under - have been similarly overshadowed by their brothers Firefly, BSG, The Wire, and the Sopranos, for reasons that are not entirely clear to me. Luckily they're both getting recapped by the AV Club now, so I at least get to relive the awesomeness.

It's not so much homophobia or mocking as it is reductive and unimaginative (and othering, at a certain level).

I think that if the show were on now, it would be even more sexually progressive. Ten years has made a pretty big difference in the culture.



I love when Nate clubs the snake - an obvious phallic symbol of dread - to death. He is so bored by Todd, Dana, and Lisa in this episode, mostly because his reunion with Brenda last ep has him fantasizing about the fast, crazy life he used to lead with her.

I think the review underplays the melancholic nature of many of the chapters, which at their best are quite profound. I'm two-thirds done and some of the sections (the opening chapter, Helen and her boss) are sad without being melodramatic, and very empathetic.