
I really liked the idea of Jenavian the character - secret PK assassins is totally in keeping with their paranoia and meddlesome tendencies - and I wish the story had done more with her, because she just sort of disappears at the end and it's all for naught.

This is a fun, engaging, complex piece of storytelling and I would say, despite some shortcomings, one of Farscape's better three parters. Interestingly, I think it was originally only planned as two episodes and they expanded it to three? I think there's only enough material for 2.5 eps here (the ending with Chiana


People still buy CDs?

It only matters for those like me who are OCD (or, rather, the Davids and Ruths of our families).



I think the issue with MTC is that it's an almost complete standalone and the repercussions are only felt within the episode. I like the idea of the roaming alien science lab, I like the fact that the episode doesn't beat us over the head with the metaphors (although it comes close), and I like the Crichton/Chiana

DRDs - is there anything they *can't* do?

As a gay man I'm with David, but I'm also with Rico - who wants to get that thing "installed"?!


As a relatively recent law school grad, I am so in awe of my classmates who pursued public defense as a career. I'm a public interest lawyer but I have it much better than they do. Not only is the pay low (I have a friend who's been a PD in a major East Coast city for three years in who makes less than $45K - after

It also feels like really basic spitballing. "Oh, the planet happens to have a magical custom that we can use to our benefit!" "Oh, Moya keeps obsessing about leaving, but never actually does!" It needed a rewrite. Or three.

Since Farscape first aired, I went to law school. Thus I can't even bring myself to rewatch DALD, given how bad it was when I first saw it. I can't imagine even making it through the first act now. Seriously, a planet of 90% lawyers? We can barely sustain the profession in the US with a single digit percentage of



TWWW is one of the season's, and series', best episodes for all the reasons that Alasdair pointed out. One thing I particularly loved is how the episode gives Velorek a very fleshed out character in just a handful of scenes. In large part this is due to Alex Dimitriades' strong, subtle work. There's the slight

Definitely possible. Also, a lot of them also weren't as famous as they are now (maybe most obviously Richard Jenkins, Patricia Clarkson) when they were cast - they were perhaps mainly thought of as theater character actors, as opposed to really fucking good actors.

Admittedly, Vanessa's depression is a pretty boring plot that begat maybe the stupidest plot* the show ever did (Rico and Infinity), in part because Justina Machado had so little to do at this point on the show. By S5, the writers gave her more to work with and she was much more sympathetic/three-dimensional.

There's also no way that she doesn't realize that she's going to come off as smug to David and Keith, and yet she does it anyway. Rewatching this season all I can keep thinking is "Wow, Lili Taylor is *amazing.*" She dances on the knife edge in every scene, and I don't know if anyone else could have avoided, as she