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    Saw the movie, liked the first 7/8ths of it, but then I had to go out and didn't feel like finishing it when I got back.

    Stand by Me
    A great observation about "Stand By Me" was made by Wil Wheaton, that the actors' real lives mirrored their characters: River Phoenix died early, Corey Feldman became a forgotten weirdo, Jerry O'Connell had a whiff of "desperately wants to be liked" about him, and Wil Wheaton became a sensitive writer

    Hot oral sex
    Finally, a video game shout-out to Revenge of the Nerds 2! What's next, Courtney Thorne-Smith in a camouflage bikini in the Bio-Shock sequel?

    Tinyurl, Rabin.

    Mmm … Ann Magnuson
    Nathan, I'll give you $20 if you send me an mp3 of Ann Magnuson saying "I want to fuck you." I think I've found my permanent ringtone.

    Yes, and like most Quantum Leap episodes it was AWESOME.

    That was amazing. When he started, I expected garden variety hate (like, er, The Hater) but Tom was on fire and kept going.

    I love you, Chris Eigeman
    As a recently heartbroken dude, the only thing The Graduate reminds me of is this exchange from Barcelona:

    That's what I call a headline
    The order of Perrys I went through before reading the article and seeing it was Lee "Scratch" Perry:

    God help me
    I actually looked up Nate's MySpace page a couple of weeks ago to see if he and Jennilee were still together. He was listed as single, which is kinda sad, I guess? Maybe the lure of Star Wars band groupies was too great.

    I choose fellate
    Based on what he was allegedly into (according to "Please Kill Me"), fellatio is the cleanest thing you could do with him.