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Will Smith don't gotta demonstrate significance to clear peer review,
But I do, so p<0.001 and 0.55=R^2.


True, except the last 4.7 minutes will be broken into 16 episodes of 17.6 seconds in length that will air in July 2015.

Well, she does have pretty good lawyers (for a girl).

This guy really isn't having a good year. First he's ousted from power by the Egyptian Army, now this!

They would never cancel Game of Thrones. It's a crossover hit. It's not just for fantasy enthusiasts, they're telling human stories in a fantasy world!

They'll never stop Community!

Perry horny?

Go On. Not available on DISH. Or anywhere else.

Qendra, I think.

The only story here is the rich, smooth taste of Gu Li Duo.

Exile on Matlock Expressway

Clearly, the movie failed because the dog was not proactive enough.

Just this afternoon, the title has been retooled to "Makin' It Happen," the cast has changed completely, and episodes now last 10 seconds. Take a look at the first three episodes.

"Time Bomb" and "Barrier Reef" off Too Far to Care by the Old 97's.

This was the worst New Year's Eve show in history (brought to you by Carl's Jr)!

LOL, you guys are so wacke!

LOL, you guys are so wacke!

Either that or Huddle House.

Either that or Huddle House.