Melina Canaceraides

I'm a non-native English speaker, so I guess I'm not qualified to comment, but "Earf" sounds more like Ray Wintstone than Will Smith to me:  "Welcome to earf, you cahnt!"

I'm a non-native English speaker, so I guess I'm not qualified to comment, but "Earf" sounds more like Ray Wintstone than Will Smith to me:  "Welcome to earf, you cahnt!"

Phil Glenister as George Martin, just because.

Phil Glenister as George Martin, just because.

I rather enjoy the Georgia Satelites' cover, though "Living in Hope" is probably the best non-Ringo version.

I rather enjoy the Georgia Satelites' cover, though "Living in Hope" is probably the best non-Ringo version.

They're setting up a Wilfred cross-over.

They're setting up a Wilfred cross-over.

A few weeks back, I was stopped by two mormons on the street (I live in Norway) and I said I wasn't interested, but that I commended the Romney campaign on really reaching out to voters. They both looked nonplussed for a second, then guffawed and wished me a nice day before taking off. It was the first time I've met

A few weeks back, I was stopped by two mormons on the street (I live in Norway) and I said I wasn't interested, but that I commended the Romney campaign on really reaching out to voters. They both looked nonplussed for a second, then guffawed and wished me a nice day before taking off. It was the first time I've met

"And by the way, that's a very homophobic statement, you fuckin' poof!"

"And by the way, that's a very homophobic statement, you fuckin' poof!"

The way you typed the title out (or rather, didn't), makes it sound like a horribly racist movie.

The way you typed the title out (or rather, didn't), makes it sound like a horribly racist movie.

I liked Helen Mirren as the sniping art critic.

I liked Helen Mirren as the sniping art critic.

Smurf that shit and you get Purple Rain.

Smurf that shit and you get Purple Rain.

He's filing it in his bunk.

He's filing it in his bunk.