Melina Canaceraides

To be honest, I thought San Dimas itself was a made-up place.

To be honest, I thought San Dimas itself was a made-up place.

Yeah, even The Adventures of Lois and Clark had a bit on Ironic. It's the 90s comedic equivalent of VCR programming jokes.

Yeah, even The Adventures of Lois and Clark had a bit on Ironic. It's the 90s comedic equivalent of VCR programming jokes.

Once you get the microchip implanted, that fuzzy feeling will go away.

Once you get the microchip implanted, that fuzzy feeling will go away.

@avclub-7d1dff07b1d3fe8174a43588f9528ea4:disqus Starring Richard Kiel? I'm in!

@avclub-7d1dff07b1d3fe8174a43588f9528ea4:disqus Starring Richard Kiel? I'm in!

Nice nick.

Nice nick.

Tomorrow Never Knows, except Leonard Pierce

Tomorrow Never Knows, except Leonard Pierce

Hey, anyone else clamoring for a The Centurions revival? Script by Damon Lindelof.

Hey, anyone else clamoring for a The Centurions revival? Script by Damon Lindelof.

I know I've seen the trailer, so I should remember what Paul looked like, but I just keep picturing Roger from American Dad.

I know I've seen the trailer, so I should remember what Paul looked like, but I just keep picturing Roger from American Dad.

I was very hungover when I saw Requiem. In hindsight, not the best idea ever.

I was very hungover when I saw Requiem. In hindsight, not the best idea ever.

I enjoy a lot of his movies, but I also think he's a lot funnier when he comes in to steal a few scenes. His appearance in Wedding Crashers is hilarious. I also agree with the  repeat-on-louder schtick.

I enjoy a lot of his movies, but I also think he's a lot funnier when he comes in to steal a few scenes. His appearance in Wedding Crashers is hilarious. I also agree with the  repeat-on-louder schtick.