Melina Canaceraides

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Your ideas intrigue me and I would like to subscribe to your newsletter.

I hoped they'd bring in Lee Tergesen as a snack for Meloni.

I hoped they'd bring in Lee Tergesen as a snack for Meloni.

On the Wet, Hot, American Summer commentary track, Jeanine Garafalo points out that everyone gets the two of them confused. (Meloni and Koteas, that is)

On the Wet, Hot, American Summer commentary track, Jeanine Garafalo points out that everyone gets the two of them confused. (Meloni and Koteas, that is)

Cheating on her made him a pretty stupid man.

Cheating on her made him a pretty stupid man.

@Sleeper99999:disqus Well, I'm not aware of any attempts on his life, but you never know. I mean … Hollyweird, amirite?

@Sleeper99999:disqus Well, I'm not aware of any attempts on his life, but you never know. I mean … Hollyweird, amirite?

You forgot Mr. Bean!

You forgot Mr. Bean!

Val takes the lead in Top Gun 2: Operation Dumbo Drop.

Val takes the lead in Top Gun 2: Operation Dumbo Drop.

I second that. And 666 it too.

I second that. And 666 it too.

Bill and Sue probably would've sounded just right if sung by Chris Collingswood.

Bill and Sue probably would've sounded just right if sung by Chris Collingswood.

@avclub-ea734165193024428762ecd8cbe338db:disqus Well, in fairness, Paul's been called the bad guy for making the Beatles work too, but if he hadn't taken the reins, John would've spent all of his time on LSD and George probably would've become a humorless scold even sooner. I've heard so much about Mike Love that I'll

@avclub-ea734165193024428762ecd8cbe338db:disqus Well, in fairness, Paul's been called the bad guy for making the Beatles work too, but if he hadn't taken the reins, John would've spent all of his time on LSD and George probably would've become a humorless scold even sooner. I've heard so much about Mike Love that I'll