mrs. izzard

And who didn't love Abed's graceful leap over the bench as he ran off?

Yeah, but…the backwash. It was yucky.

Of what?

I thought they were warning us. Like, "Quick - get to FX for Charlie because it's 3 seconds 'til Leno!"

It was the very end - the same shot that showed Kevin going in to cool his feet in the ice machine.

Also, I thought that Charlie's Mom was pass-out drunk, not a narcoleptic.

I imagine that he dreams of them after his glue/beer/cat food-induced "sleep."

Yes, you've got it. What's so confusing?

If Dennis Duffy asks for a porkpie hat, we know it's worse.

Why would you mess with it? The original "warning food to watch its delicious ass" is already hilarious in or out of context.

In that photo
it looks like Pitt is wearing one of his Nazi scalps from Basterds.

Oh, too true, GB. My former roommate was a fifth grade teacher, and neither I nor THE DICTIONARY could convince her that "alot" was not, in fact, a word. I fear for our children.

Oops! Thought you said "tweed." Sorry.

Wes Anderson will have you know that The Fantastic Mr. Fox is coming out this year as well. Please adjust your statement accordingly.

Knock it off. I come here to get AWAY from grading my freshman comp papers.

As is her teleprompter.

That chick in the photo is completely stealing my look.

Even though it's not a pun, I like to hear that in Caruso-speak.

Yeah, I could Google it too, but I'm being extra-lazy.

Were we talking about his teenage angst?