Violet Crumbles

I think that is a widely held opinion — which, as @avclub-997c221538094d134659141cf61d51e3:disqus alludes to, is saying something considering the Redditor special blend of racism and "this detail is different and that ruins everything" Asperger's that is reponsible for so much nerd rage over cross-racial casting in

I think that is a widely held opinion — which, as @avclub-997c221538094d134659141cf61d51e3:disqus alludes to, is saying something considering the Redditor special blend of racism and "this detail is different and that ruins everything" Asperger's that is reponsible for so much nerd rage over cross-racial casting in



I rendered it 1px at a time and it didn't cost me a dime

I rendered it 1px at a time and it didn't cost me a dime

Gale:Walt::Mel:Bret and Jemaine

Gale:Walt::Mel:Bret and Jemaine

That reason is "because of course he does"

That reason is "because of course he does"

The shit: hit the toilet

The shit: hit the toilet

Snaps, I totally forgot about him busting in the paper towel thing in s2! I'm like "why did nobody notice that somebody hulked out in the bathroom"

Snaps, I totally forgot about him busting in the paper towel thing in s2! I'm like "why did nobody notice that somebody hulked out in the bathroom"

Also he (OR SOMEBODY) punched a dent in the paper towel dispenser

Also he (OR SOMEBODY) punched a dent in the paper towel dispenser

I don't mind Swifty's terminally adolescent worldview at all - I kinda love it - but so long as she's determined to stay stuck in high school I do wish that she would embrace and own the inner Mean Girl that drives so many of her best songs. Like I want a whole concept album about how all the popular girls in Conor

I don't mind Swifty's terminally adolescent worldview at all - I kinda love it - but so long as she's determined to stay stuck in high school I do wish that she would embrace and own the inner Mean Girl that drives so many of her best songs. Like I want a whole concept album about how all the popular girls in Conor

Pizza Bomber is not a terrible name for that Cinnabon thing

Pizza Bomber is not a terrible name for that Cinnabon thing