Violet Crumbles

For incoming first-years at Tuesday's Child Parent Participation Preschool, Andy has always been the boss!!!!!

For incoming first-years at Tuesday's Child Parent Participation Preschool, Andy has always been the boss!!!!!

Well, at least it sounds like you guys had meaningful stuff to talk about

Well, at least it sounds like you guys had meaningful stuff to talk about

I give that shirt a solid B+

I give that shirt a solid B+

The ABC claim was widely picked up by media outlets globally (but not Deadline) as the reason why Scott committed suicide Sunday by jumping off a Los Angeles County bridge at 12:35 PM.

The ABC claim was widely picked up by media outlets globally (but not Deadline) as the reason why Scott committed suicide Sunday by jumping off a Los Angeles County bridge at 12:35 PM.

Ha ha. You read The Onion AV Club.

Ha ha. You read The Onion AV Club.



@avclub-79c971df9097228e547f2661f55b9847:disqus , I dunno, it just seemed kind of artificially writerly to me.

@avclub-79c971df9097228e547f2661f55b9847:disqus , I dunno, it just seemed kind of artificially writerly to me.

The never-satisfied crank in me wants to say that the Jay Ryan obi sleeves on bags of '12 Blue Sky are kind of artistically pedestrian, but in the end I gotta admit they're pretty cool

The never-satisfied crank in me wants to say that the Jay Ryan obi sleeves on bags of '12 Blue Sky are kind of artistically pedestrian, but in the end I gotta admit they're pretty cool

I kind of didn't totally buy Jesse being quite clever enough to specifically compare microwave scorch spots to scabs, but I don't know whether that means the character is really dumb or if I am

I kind of didn't totally buy Jesse being quite clever enough to specifically compare microwave scorch spots to scabs, but I don't know whether that means the character is really dumb or if I am

ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh fuck

ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh fuck