Violet Crumbles

Oh, I just made that up. But now that I know Funny People ran 152 minutes(!!!!) it seems like an underestimate.

Oh, I just made that up. But now that I know Funny People ran 152 minutes(!!!!) it seems like an underestimate.

This is For Some Reason One Hundred and Goddamn Thirty-Eight

This is For Some Reason One Hundred and Goddamn Thirty-Eight

This is Swag Onion's version of a seapunk thought piece

This is Swag Onion's version of a seapunk thought piece

That Frank Ocean crowd was like a brony convention of AV Club commenters watching Alison Brie complain about Firefly getting cancelled

That Frank Ocean crowd was like a brony convention of AV Club commenters watching Alison Brie complain about Firefly getting cancelled

Yeah you're right. Irresponsible Internet Commenting on my part.

Yeah you're right. Irresponsible Internet Commenting on my part.

I bet I am the millionth person in the Tasteful TV Watch-O-Sphere to say this but Lydia is BB's Sorkin Girl

I bet I am the millionth person in the Tasteful TV Watch-O-Sphere to say this but Lydia is BB's Sorkin Girl

I promise I more than counterbalanced them by the passion with which i said "DAAAAMN GIRL" out loud near the end of the episode like I was at the Gathering and a tease of a Juggalette finally got her titties out in front of me

I promise I more than counterbalanced them by the passion with which i said "DAAAAMN GIRL" out loud near the end of the episode like I was at the Gathering and a tease of a Juggalette finally got her titties out in front of me

Breaking Bawwwww

Breaking Bawwwww

Walt turned into Rob Lowe in Drew Peterson: Untouchable so gradually, I didn't even notice.

Walt turned into Rob Lowe in Drew Peterson: Untouchable so gradually, I didn't even notice.

I almost want to cry over the simple two-word phrase "Alf parties."

I almost want to cry over the simple two-word phrase "Alf parties."