Violet Crumbles

God forbid someone break the review embargo and leak key plot points from the Katy Perry concert film

I would see the living shit out of this in 3D if it was all concert footage, all singles, and all shit like whatever the hell is going on in that picture.

I would see the living shit out of this in 3D if it was all concert footage, all singles, and all shit like whatever the hell is going on in that picture.

I can't remember whether or not these still show up in the print edition, but if not I do genuinely appreciate how Amelie clearly gives zero fucks about her presumable audience of bearded nerds who like My Morning Jacket and never shut the fuck up about Firefly getting cancelled.

I can't remember whether or not these still show up in the print edition, but if not I do genuinely appreciate how Amelie clearly gives zero fucks about her presumable audience of bearded nerds who like My Morning Jacket and never shut the fuck up about Firefly getting cancelled.

yes!! Chuck is kind of a master class in how to fuck up on designing a cute anthropomorphic cartoon mascot aimed at kids. If he were a human he'd be a sleazy, handsy middle-aged card shark.

yes!! Chuck is kind of a master class in how to fuck up on designing a cute anthropomorphic cartoon mascot aimed at kids. If he were a human he'd be a sleazy, handsy middle-aged card shark.

I had to look at some Chuck E. Cheese's stuff for work a while ago and was thinking the exact same thing about how they never bothered to update Chuck beyond 1994 7-Year-Old Cool

I had to look at some Chuck E. Cheese's stuff for work a while ago and was thinking the exact same thing about how they never bothered to update Chuck beyond 1994 7-Year-Old Cool

It is so obvious that this pud has replaced Louis Theroux as Young Westboro's new #1 adorkable forbidden fruit(-enabler) crush. Where would the Westboro Baptist Church even hear about Death Cab for Cutie?

It is so obvious that this pud has replaced Louis Theroux as Young Westboro's new #1 adorkable forbidden fruit(-enabler) crush. Where would the Westboro Baptist Church even hear about Death Cab for Cutie?

They should have skipped straight to having Emma Stone headline Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane

They should have skipped straight to having Emma Stone headline Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane

Holy Moses are they ever going to rue the day they set up a contest with rules more complicated than "send us an email with CONTEST in the header for a chance to win"

Holy Moses are they ever going to rue the day they set up a contest with rules more complicated than "send us an email with CONTEST in the header for a chance to win"

Two solid decades of Great Job, Internet! fuel

Two solid decades of Great Job, Internet! fuel

Ice cream dates on the reg

Ice cream dates on the reg

Have they already committed to airing this? Even by NBC standards this almost seems like too bad an idea to be real.