Violet Crumbles

Bob Guccione at Spin, what, you pissed off 'cos your dad gets more Tegan & Sara colored vinyl EPs than you?

Boyfriend is a perfectly acceptable single but the video is just hysterical from a twentysomething old crone's perspective. It really looks like a lux dream sequence imagined by the #1 ladykiller baby dyke at Degrassi Junior High.

Boyfriend is a perfectly acceptable single but the video is just hysterical from a twentysomething old crone's perspective. It really looks like a lux dream sequence imagined by the #1 ladykiller baby dyke at Degrassi Junior High.

No, a concrete army of 42-year-old men in PF Flyers that Josh Modell commissioned to protect him in death after his body is interred in a supply closet at The Hideout for eternity

No, a concrete army of 42-year-old men in PF Flyers that Josh Modell commissioned to protect him in death after his body is interred in a supply closet at The Hideout for eternity

Yeah, they should really fix that bug in the Netflix system where it won't let you add certain films to your queue on the first try because it's sensed that you exude too much intelligence and rugged heterosexual energy, "like if the Brawny man was a Rhodes scholar, and straight," for it not to just be a fat-fingers

Yeah, they should really fix that bug in the Netflix system where it won't let you add certain films to your queue on the first try because it's sensed that you exude too much intelligence and rugged heterosexual energy, "like if the Brawny man was a Rhodes scholar, and straight," for it not to just be a fat-fingers

That shit was wall-to-wall Pavement Dads

That shit was wall-to-wall Pavement Dads

I considered W for a second but if he put out a Facebook note or something declaring America In The '00s his crowning achievement in performance art I missed it

I considered W for a second but if he put out a Facebook note or something declaring America In The '00s his crowning achievement in performance art I missed it

Fuck that, I'm rooting for him to destroy the master copies of the original trilogy and reissue it in a new and improved version starring character models from the Final Fantasy movie

Fuck that, I'm rooting for him to destroy the master copies of the original trilogy and reissue it in a new and improved version starring character models from the Final Fantasy movie

I saw Dinosaur Jr. at a street festival, which was good, and picked up a Crunch Thin Mint Bar!!!!!! at checkout after waiting in a 3-person, 20-minute line at The Kmart God Forgot, which was sublime.

I saw Dinosaur Jr. at a street festival, which was good, and picked up a Crunch Thin Mint Bar!!!!!! at checkout after waiting in a 3-person, 20-minute line at The Kmart God Forgot, which was sublime.

You guys wouldn't have to spend several hours of your finite lives in a hollow quest for Sorkinfreude if you just stretched out your HBO viewing like a normal person, and by "normal person" I mean "schlub who's suckling at the teat of someone else's HBO Go password." I don't feel like I missed out by not watching

You guys wouldn't have to spend several hours of your finite lives in a hollow quest for Sorkinfreude if you just stretched out your HBO viewing like a normal person, and by "normal person" I mean "schlub who's suckling at the teat of someone else's HBO Go password." I don't feel like I missed out by not watching

Sorkin totally owns as the Michael Bay of Oscar-bait Based On A True Story screenplays but I kind of hate everything else he's ever done, even the good stuff.

Sorkin totally owns as the Michael Bay of Oscar-bait Based On A True Story screenplays but I kind of hate everything else he's ever done, even the good stuff.

HBO produced a season!