Violet Crumbles

Funky Winkerbean's evolution from high school band joke vehicle to existential nightmare is so weird that it seems like a funny fourth-page Onion story instead of something that happened in real life.

What's with you, kid? You think the death of Sammy Davis left an opening in the Rat Pack?

Complaint rock

I agree strongly with K. Thrace's rankings but I wonder how much of that has to do with the fact that if you turned those greater-than signs into arrows they would also represent the chronological order in which I read alla that shit

I was surprised to find The Corrections as readable as I did because I'd only read his nonfiction before that and it'd left me with a serious case of dick stab fever.

Is there a charity we can donate to that reaches out to men who have been on the cover of the NME and helps them break free of their heartbreaking addiction to mod haircuts?

No Bill Hickso but I think I'd rather watch Toddlers and Tiaras.


Mark Millar is pissed he didn't think of this one first

Given the Ruff's involvement they should obviously just make this new Hulk movie a delightful, low-key Fox Searchlight romantic dramedy. Titled HULK: 3LOADED.

Wrong website for that zinger, man

I could almost see them showing up at some point in one of these things before the superhero movie thing totally burns out and comes to a gruesome end. Like honestly if they actually spend millions of real dollars on an Ant-Man movie* all bets are off.

Looking at the front page I was thinking Zach Galifianakis IS D-Man in The Avengers 4: In Space and now I realize I was just thinking of when they did that same gag in The Muppets

As a fellow sad nerd, I'm not surprised when people don't know who he is, but if I asked one of my parents "you know that weird claymation movie Coraline…" I think it'd ring a bell, so I think he's comfortably on the high end of niche appeal. Anyway dude did a guest spot on Arthur so he probably has a higher Q rating

When I win the lottery I'm going to hire Spielberg to do a movie about a chatty plus-size Latina with red hair just to see whether Jeff Wells drops dead of an aneurysm during the press screening or lives to write the War and Peace of Hateful Old Man Yells At Cloud movie reviews

Not gonna pretend like I wouldn't buy one out of an alternative vending machine at a hipster bar or student art show opening after a couple of drinks if the price was right. Deal With It

@avclub-489acfbfa4d2424403acb81699170ac2:disqus , I'm your age and when I see that birth year part of me is still like "I don't care if we all go to school in the same building, seventh-graders are way too young to date"

Thank Grimm it's Friday!

98% of the AV Club commentariat does or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy & paste this in your signature.</font>

the third deadly sin!