Violet Crumbles

Be patient, James Franco hasn't even started on As I Lay Dying yet

I don't disagree but I kind of like both

My "Get a Job, Internet!" zinger…ruined!

I'm not clicking on another Great Job, Internet until it's linking to a Hoarders-style webseries where they do profiles of and interventions for insane Community fans

It's time to start using "Stanleycore" as a catch-all term for popular music

Yeah, I am a little puzzled by the premise of this article. It's like the It's Time to Stop Hating Twilight post, if the labels on the shelves at Sam Goody used to imply that Twilight kind of sucked, but now the only people who really hate it are white uncles

No thirtysomething man in small-town central Indiana owns that much intelligently-mismatched Ben Sherman shit unless he was forced to move home to care for a dying parent. Do Not Trust.


If I were Mr. Mxyzptlk I'd devote most of my time to propping up musicians who kick up insular pop criticism shitfests that read like really embarrassing, weird arguments between some guy with a stubblebeard, his glasses-wearing girlfriend, and a gaggle of their nosy dumbass friends

They could pump nerve gas into the Kodak Theater on live TV during the Oscars and it would still be a lower priority on the AV Club story queue than Community getting a TV Guide cover

I mean, Angelina Jolie looks like Jon Voight

This is the exact kind of dumb overpriced "funny" novelty object Michael Scott would bring into the office

Well here is a post on the Internet.

I really, really, really hope that Cracked did a shitty knockoff of 43-Man Squamish at some point

I realize that this is serious "appreciating the Muppets on a much deeper level than you" territory but is Calvinball not, in actual fact!!!!, one of the most elegantly simple games of all time??

Oz's bitching really prepared me for some Shrek shit, but having seen the movie, I mean, it wasn't perfect but I think he might just be a cranky old diva at this point. I hate Jason Segel about half the time but he was delightful here, Amy Adams is always delightful, that Michael Cera muppet wasn't bad at al, LOVED

How hilariously inauthentically Chicago is this show? I can deal with a Chicago Code but not a Happy Endings.

Nothing against Roseanne Cash, but oh boy, when I read this headline as "Roseanne plays requests in her living room"…

This is why they hate us.

There is also a "non-skid" pad in the insole of the poop chute which hides stains, if not shame