Violet Crumbles

Danny DeVito
I love your work

Ina Garten has time for a 30 Rock cameo but not for little kids with cancer! AS IT SHOULD BE! I get all tingly at the thought of her starting prep work for a Friday roast chicken dinner for her gay husband As I Type These Words

Everyone knows Woody had a late-in-life gay awakening after Bo Peep got yardsaled

I eat pieces of crossover fantasy DILF like you for breakfast

You could probably still get Adam Scott into bed, that's pretty much the same thing

I'm going to invent a 19-year-old whiz kid goth girl state senator who has him on her LUV 4EVZ list

oh hush

when the McRib comes back the same week as Transformers 3D drops, that barrel-necked hillbilly's cute little Antioch College self-designed Political Performance major stunt will be over so fast heads will spin

there's more than corn whiskey in Indiana, but truthfully it's not really worth investigating


"Cutie marks are the Equestria equivalent of tramp stamps"
I am not so far gone as a Weird Internet Person that I watch this show, but for Christ's sake, Todd. Tramp stamps are tattoos you get to celebrate that time you were an extra in xXx: State of the Union & christen with the jizz of some guy who either looks like

The Book of Daniel is streets ahead of Ragtime imo

Probably Mark Ruffalo has never had a pickup line fail ever. Except maybe "I can get you a free Blu-Ray of The Brothers Bloom"

butt songs need the most butt pills

Turn the tub around
Talkin' 'bout nutrition

Nothing says "intelligent, liberal-minded person" like GROSS TRANNY BITCH jokez

Hypnotoad, as much as it bugs me when people dismiss unseen anything a 15-year-old girl might conceivably like, Glee is legit pretty bad. I think they come up with 3-5 funny one-liners per episode and then run a competition to see which of their writers can come up with an hour's worth of television in the least

MTV award shows are supposed to be hosted by comedians that 14-year-olds have crushes on. Between this and Chelsea Handler on last year's VMAs it seems like they're shifting strategies in favor of a new target audience of 36-year-old marketing communications specialists

Reddit nerds hate her because she pretends to like stuff you like and you can never fuck her, Jezebel posters hate her because she's a bitchy popular girl who's hoodwinked Your Perfect Liberal Imaginary Boyfriend Jon Stewart into thinking she's funny, none of this stuff speaks well of the internet weirdos who

Olivia Munn does kind of suck, but I think she's a step up from Amanda Peet