Judy is a Dick Slap

To be fair, Cohen does have a song of which the chorus is "Won't you let me see your naked body?" I think it's fair to say that T-Pain is our generation's T-Pain. I mean "Suzanne" is obviously about being in love with a stripper, and the parallels between "Buy U a Drank (Shawty Snappin')" and "Famous Blue Raincoat" go

These English majors want to be some super genius novelists, end up music journalists, chicks ain't that into it.

Slips Backwards has four tracks that weren't on Soft Rock: the title track, Prescription Sunglasses, Emperor, and an alternate version of Nassau Coliseum.

On a related note, I heard that one night Dwight got all goofy on the roofies and that now they all call him the Fiddler on the Roof.

I have to say, knocking a zombie's head clean off with an oversized chunk of butter is a deeply satisfying, almost spiritual experience.

Oh, and video games in general.

I feel like that (people hating artist based on their fans) happens a lot with music. Def Jux vs. college backpackers, metal vs. metalheads, and anyone who makes Pitchfork Best New Music vs. people who read Pitchfork spring to mind.

I love how Angela can just walk right under the limbo bar.

The proletariat have nothing to lose but their fries.

"Let them when you someone eat it. Cake, that is."
-Marie Antoinette

What the frak?
Veronica totally dropped a frak-bomb on today's episode. It's like the third non-BSG frak this week, between this, Dollhouse and 30 Rock. Is this a thing now?

I think Sam Jackson is more of an example of good actors who do huge amounts of shitty movies but who are still always awesome in them. Like Micheal Caine or Christopher Walken.

The music is actually better than either of the first two, I think. It's produced by Black Francis from the Pixies, and it has a bunch of interesting little embellishments.

I would say that "Finnegans Wake" and "Dubliners" give a lifetime pass for Ulysses (pretentious) and Portrait (boring and overrated)

R. Kelly, motherfuckers
OK, so he peed on an underage girl, and "Trapped in the Closet" is a deadly combination of absurd and tedious, but "Ignition (Remix)" is the greatest god-damn song of the decade and I'll fight anyone who disagrees.

If any one should come out of Star Wars/Indiana Jones with a lifetime pass, it should be Harrison Ford. Dude hasn't been in a good movie in fifteen years and I still love him.

Holy shit, there are other people who don't hate Midnite Vultures? I though I was the only one. Anyway, I think Beck deserves props for at least making interesting and different terrible albums.

Tina Fey
Man, is Tina Fey a good physical comic or what? Between the water-tank-changing here and the thing where she ate the sandwich from season 2, she has shown herself to be brilliant.

Huge slam on Unitarians out of nowhere.

Ha, stretch their legs. Nice.