
Ftr, I consider stating that the entire episode takes place within the cliffhanger a lowkey spoiler.

That last shot, with the "I refuse to be that girl in a box" voiceover, was so eye-rollingly distracting!! Why would June make such a loaded pronouncement? We're already getting a feel for who she is through the storytelling. This final line was just too heavy handed. Also, the episode started with her saying she was

1. Nick's recruitment reminded me of military recruitment. For many it's the only place left to turn. And recruitment can be just as aggressive and paternalistic.

I'm thinking they're saving Jezebel's for Season 2

I don't get why everyone thinks Maggie coming was a bad idea. As long as she's physically competent—what's the problem? Superstition? Romanticism?

But then in a subsequently episode she and Morgan recite that her normal sandwich order contains extra "shred let" (which I had to turn on the captions to understand. But I just roll with the logic lapses.

TLC Tuesdays was brilliantly obscure!!!

Sadly, a good number of people think like this. Some crunchy granola hypocrites. I-can-take-more-pain-than-thou types.

Yes. It got waaaaay better, and is now my favorite show to watch. Never saw that coming.

I rewound Elroy's "Encouraging White People" monologue about 6 times and laughed till I CRIED.

I'm not so sure he relapsed. i think she show writers are having their cake and eating it too. "Teasing" a relapse (a gross as that sounds), and still holding on their trump card. The "something" his father found out about is like something else. Like maybe he was fired for beating up that guy or something.

Like Spinney and Love killed Kermit together, and Spinney's wearing his legs like pants while he looks for a place for Love to stash the rest of BB's body. *shivers*

I'm shocked there aren't more comments about this! This episode was a Batson shipper's (like myself) dream!! Watson breaking up Bell's relationship, Watson being way too into Bell and Scott's hand stamps (something even Sherlock didn't care enough about to notice), Watson's dismissal of Scott as a "honey trap" (the

As a firm Watson-Bell 'shipper, I think Joan only made that ridiculous statement because she was happy—subconsciously—to have a little dirt on Scott that she could use to break them up.

SOOOOOO…..when the entire campus' emails were released, NO MENTION of
how the Dean's *full-spectrum mystery sexuality* must be on glorious
display??? Or how he would be the #1 person's emails who EVERYONE on
campus would be DYING to read (not because of his sexuality—but because HE IS THEIR DEAN)??? NO Dean email

My absolutely favorite episode of all time. I still burst out laughing on the bus thinking of Winger's Dean impersonation!

I loved that he snatched the talisman! Almost like he thought it helped him in the earlier fight for his life. His smile as he snatched was so great.

That's what Lennon thinks, but it doesn't mean that that's the writers' intent. Though I'm hoping they do survive and will recognize Morgan and some point in (inevitable) showdown, and have a moment of hesitation because he once spared their lives…

Cold as hell, but also pretty badass. For me it recalled the moment right after the group entered Alexandria's gates, when Rick gave the command for Sasha to kill a walker.

"Racially charged' is a meaningless phrase. We have no idea what you mean, including the 9 people who up voted you.